Welcome to The Drifting Classroom manga quiz! The Drifting Classroom is a Japanese horror manga series that follows the story of a group of schoolchildren who are transported to a dangerous and unfamiliar world after their school is mysteriously transported through time and space. Test your knowledge of this intense and terrifying manga and see how much you remember about the characters, plot, and horror elements in The Drifting Classroom. Good luck!
What is the name of the elementary school that serves as the setting for The Drifting Classroom manga series?
Yamazaki Elementary
Tsubaki Elementary
Kurosawa Elementary
Nakamura Elementary
In the The Drifting Classroom manga series, what is the name of the student who takes on a leadership role and tries to keep the group together?
Sho Takamatsu
Hiroshi Uchiyamada
Ryohei Ushiyama
Ryuichi Yamamoto
What is the name of the teacher who accompanies the students on their journey in The Drifting Classroom manga series?
What is the name of the teacher who accompanies the students on their journey in The Drifting Classroom manga series?
Mr. Kimura
Ms. Yamamoto
Ms. Nakamura
In The Drifting Classroom manga series, what is the name of the mysterious force that transports the school to the alternate dimension?
The Black Mist
The Red Storm
The White Light
The Yellow Haze
What is the name of the student who is initially reluctant to believe that the school has been transported to an alternate dimension in The Drifting Classroom manga series?
Sho Takamatsu
Hiroshi Uchiyamada
Ryohei Ushiyama
Ryuichi Yamamoto
In The Drifting Classroom manga series, what is the name of the student who discovers a hidden underground room that contains mysterious artifacts?
Sho Takamatsu
Hiroshi Uchiyamada
Ryohei Ushiyama
Ryuichi Yamamoto
What is the name of the mysterious figure who appears to the students in The Drifting Classroom manga series and claims to have the power to transport them back to their own world?
The Black Knight
The White Queen
The Red King
The Green Giant
In The Drifting Classroom manga series, what is the name of the student who becomes infected with a deadly disease and must be quarantined?
Sho Takamatsu
Hiroshi Uchiyamada
Ryohei Ushiyama
Ryuichi Yamamoto
In The Drifting Classroom manga series, what is the name of the student who is revealed to have psychic abilities?
Sho Takamatsu
Hiroshi Uchiyamada
Ryohei Ushiyama
Ryuichi Yamamoto
What is the name of the student who is bullied and ostracized by his classmates in The Drifting Classroom manga series?
Sho Takamatsu
Hiroshi Uchiyamada
Ryohei Ushiyama
Ryuichi Yamamoto
What is the premise of The Drifting Classroom manga series?
A group of students and teachers are transported to a mysterious alternate dimension.
A group of high school students form a rock band.
A family of vampires run a hotel.
A detective investigates a series of murders.
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