What Biome are you from?

What Biome are you from?

In the great land of Panterria there are Biomes a plenty! Each biome holds many tribes and even more residents with their own unique cultures and values! Before finding out what tribe you're in though, we gotta find out what biome you'd originate from in the first place! 

(This series of tests is broken down into three parts; What Biome, what section from that Biome, and what tribe from that section. This is meant for my DND campaign :)!)

Let's start basic; What word would YOU use to describe yourself? (Don't ask anyone else!)








What word would OTHERS use to describe you?








What's your number one core value?


Hard work






What's your most toxic trait?

Impulsiveness. (You definitely do things without much thought.)

Judgmental. (You're quick to judge others especially in the heat of emotion.)

Gossipy. (You just can't help it, spill all the tea please!)

Standoffish. (You can come off as rude or uncaring, definite RBF.)

Clingy (You can be a bit smothering/overbearing towards those you care about.)

Conflict avoidance. (Speaks for itself.)

Stubborn. (You can hold one hell of a grudge.)

Favorite Day of the week?








Imagine you've woken up at the end of a hallway with a door at the end; What is the hallway like?

A castle style hallway: Stone brick floor beneath you with torches lining the walls. It smells musty and damp with the sounds of faint dripping and rodents skittering.

A hospital style hallway: Bright flourescent lights with white walls and tiled flooring. It's cold and the smell of antiseptic lingers in the air.

A hotel style hallway: Plain walls and a carpeted floor with an intricate pattern printed on. The smell of clean linen and lavender is nostalgic to you.

A house style hallway; Its homey with hardwood flooring and warm colored walls. Perhaps a rug is there? Or some decorations?

A basement style hallway; Cement surrounds you on all sides, piping weaves in and out of the ceiling all along the hallway. It's cool and the air smells stagnant.

A backrooms style hallway; Blank walls and plain monochrome. It's a little unsettling.

An abandoned style hallway; Light streaming in through cracks in the roof and walls. Debris litters the floor, and the walls are peeling with graffiti everywhere. It smells moldy and should definitely be condemned.

You make it through the door at the end of the hall and go to open the door; How hard is it to open the door?

Super easy, it swings open as soon as you push it.

Easy, just got to turn the handle and push.

Relatively easy, you have to give it a bit of a strong push.

A little hard, you have to slam your body into it to get it to open.

A bit more difficult, there are latches that need to be undone first.

Difficult, there's a lock on the door with a bunch of latches.

Extremely difficult, The door is locked to hell and back.

Once you make it outside, there is a path that splits into seven directions; Which path do you take?

The path leading to a big flower field!

The path leading to a distant mountain range.

The path leading to a sandy beach.

The path that leads to a waterfall flowing into a huge lagoon, emptying into a river.

The path that leads to an underground tunnel.

The path leading to a mesa desert.

The path leading to a huge forest.

On your way to your destination, you see an animal; What is it?

A small rodent, scurrying into it's burrow.

A predator, turning to watch you intently.

A fish, splashing in the water next to you.

A horse, galloping across your path.

A rabbit, hopping through the tall grass.

A lizard sunbathing on a rock.

A bird, flying high overhead.

You reach the end of your path and see a structure; What is it?

A Shack

A Castle

A Cottage

A House

A Hobbit House

A Cabin

A Mansion

You go inside the structure and inside there is a table with seven items; What are you most drawn to?

A box of jewels and other shiny things.

A rare weapon.

The diary of someone you know is keeping secrets from you.

A scrapbook of your own making that you lost a while ago.

A pile of blankets with someone crying underneath.

A survival kit.

A thick book.

What personal value do you find most important in relationships of any kind?








On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your-jk How introverted are you?

0! I love people!

1-2 I'm pretty outgoing and I love talking to people but I only have a select few I consider close.

3-4 I can be rather quiet, but I do love talking to others.

5-6 I tend to keep to myself but will be friendly when needed.

7-8 I usually stick with very close friends and family, hardly ever branching out.

9-10 I don't like others and prefer solitude.

10+ If I have to interact with another human, I might cry.

What's your favorite flavor?

Sweet (Like honey, sugar, fruits, etc)

Savory (Like Meat, mushrooms, cheese, etc.)

Spicy (Like Chili peppers, mustard, hot sauce, etc.)

Bitter (Like coffee, dark chocolate, tea, etc.)

Sour (Like lemon, vinegar, sour cream, etc.)

Salty (Like Seafood, soy sauce, french fries, etc.)

All of the above (I'm a black hole when it comes to food/flavor)

Are you a rule follower?

Absolutely! The rules are there for a reason!

Of course, the rules are important!

Yes, I prefer to stay out of trouble.

Mostly, but only if I agree with them.

Sure, but I'll break them if necessary.

A few broken rules never hurt anyone!

Absolutely not! Rules were made to be broken!

You should protect your friends and family at all costs!

Strongly Agree


Slightly Agree


Slightly Disagree


Strongly Disagree

Treat others with kindness no matter what.

Strongly Agree


Slightly Agree


Slightly Disagree


Strongly Disagree

Its important to stay up to date on everything that happens around you and in your community.

Strongly Agree


Slightly Agree


Slightly Disagree


Strongly Disagree

Family comes before everything.

Strongly Agree


Slightly Agree


Slightly Disagree


Strongly Disagree

Change is almost always important.

Strongly Agree


Slightly Agree


Slightly Disagree


Strongly Disagree

Its important to make room for having fun even if it means giving up some work.

Strongly Agree


Slightly Agree


Slightly Disagree


Strongly Disagree

Always remain cautious of others and your surroundings.

Strongly Agree


Slightly Agree


Slightly Disagree


Strongly Disagree

The Forest Biome!

Sunlight filtering through the leaves, towering trees protecting you in it's cool shade, the foliage getting thicker and thicker the deeper you wander; Welcome to the the Forest Biome! One of the largest and most diverse biomes in the land. It has the largest variety of tribes, species, and values! But there is one thing that all of them have in common, Protection. The residents of the forest biome are a wise and loyal bunch, they protect those dear to them with all thye've got. Make friends with any of them and you'll have a freind for life, though for some of them it might be hard to break past their walls.

The Fields Biome!

A sea of grass, waving at you in the breeze, asking you to come lay in its sweet soft hold; Welcome to the fields where the flowers are sweet and the people even moreso! Every resident in the fields biome holds caring close to their hearts. They're who you go to if you need a shoulder to cry on, a hug to warm you on the outside, and a nice homecooked meal to warm you from the inside.

The Water Biome!

The push and pull of the current, to your right a vibrant, bustling coral reef with rivers feeding into the shore, to your left, deep dark open ocean; Welcome to the Water Biome! The water biome expands across and surrounds the entirety of Panterria! With lakes, rivers, springs, and lagoons, all connected by high speed aquifers. The people that reside in this biome are organized and hardworking, though they can't keep a secret to save their lives. Nonetheless they are confident and reliable to complete any task you give. (Unless it's keeping a secret, those gossipers, they love the drama.)

The Mountains Biome!

Snow capped peaks reaching far into the sky, perilous cliffs and harsh cold nipping at your nose; Welcome to the Mountains! The mountains are a harsh environment, they require their residents to be stubborn and innovative in order to survive. The people of the mountains tend to be quite stoic in nature and have rough exteriors but are artists of all kinds! Every one in the mountains are a very close knit community, any friend is essentially a family member and they care for those around them. 

The Desert Biome

Dry heat surrounds you and fills your lungs, sand sticking to the sweat on your skin, you find solace in the shade of a towering rock structure; Welcome to the Desert! The desert is much like the mountains in its harsh weather but its much more unpredictable! At least in the mountains you know what you'd be facing everyday. The residents of the desert are strong and adaptable, they perservere through every challenge they're given! Though they can be a bit standoffish at first, and you'll never quite get past their distant additude, they'll show they care in their own unique ways. 

The Beach Biome

Bright sun shines down on white sand, palm trees shade you as you lay on a soft towel smelling the salty ocean breeze; Welcome to the Beach! The folks here are forever on vacation! Leave your worries behind and dance the night away! All the residents of the beach are outgoing and carefree! They hold self expression and confidence in oneself as one of the most important things in life, they never fail to lift their friends up and help them fly and have fun!

The Underground!

Darkness surrounds you, the ground beneath you is cool and soft, you feel your way along before finding yourself in a warm nest; Welcome to the Underground! Everyone here is calm and collected, though a bit on the aloof side! A bit of an anxious bunch they tend to overthink things and are always prepared for any given situation. These shy folk always keep themselves busy with one task or another and are very organized, much like the waterfolk! (Just less social)

Let's start basic; What word would YOU use to describe yourself? (Don't ask anyone else!)
1 / 22
What word would OTHERS use to describe you?
2 / 22
What's your number one core value?
3 / 22
What's your most toxic trait?
4 / 22
Favorite Day of the week?
5 / 22
Imagine you've woken up at the end of a hallway with a door at the end; What is the hallway like?
6 / 22
You make it through the door at the end of the hall and go to open the door; How hard is it to open the door?
7 / 22
Once you make it outside, there is a path that splits into seven directions; Which path do you take?
8 / 22
On your way to your destination, you see an animal; What is it?
9 / 22
You reach the end of your path and see a structure; What is it?
10 / 22
You go inside the structure and inside there is a table with seven items; What are you most drawn to?
11 / 22
What personal value do you find most important in relationships of any kind?
12 / 22
On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your-jk How introverted are you?
13 / 22
What's your favorite flavor?
14 / 22
Are you a rule follower?
15 / 22
You should protect your friends and family at all costs!
16 / 22
Treat others with kindness no matter what.
17 / 22
Its important to stay up to date on everything that happens around you and in your community.
18 / 22
Family comes before everything.
19 / 22
Change is almost always important.
20 / 22
Its important to make room for having fun even if it means giving up some work.
21 / 22
Always remain cautious of others and your surroundings.
22 / 22

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