What's the Word on Robins? Test Your Knowledge with This Quiz

What's the Word on Robins? Test Your Knowledge with This Quiz

Welcome to the quiz about Sparrows! Sparrows are small, common birds found in many parts of the world. With their brown and gray plumage and cheerful chirping, they are often a familiar sight and sound in parks and gardens. But how much do you really know about these little birds? Test your knowledge with our Sparrow quiz!

What is the scientific name for the American robin?

Turdus merula

Turdus philomelos

Turdus migratorius

Turdus viscivorus

How long is the average American robin?

8-10 inches

10-12 inches

12-14 inches

14-16 inches

Where is the American robin's breeding range?

All of North America

Southern Canada and the United States

Central and South America

Europe and Asia

What is the American robin's favorite food?

Insects and fruit

Seeds and nuts

Fish and crustaceans

Small rodents and reptiles

How many eggs does the American robin typically lay in one clutch?





What color is the American robin's egg?

White with brown spots


Light brown

Dark green

What is the lifespan of the American robin in the wild?

1-2 years

3-5 years

6-8 years

9-12 years

What is the American robin's scientific family name?





How does the male American robin attract a mate?

With a complex dance ritual

By building an elaborate nest

With a beautiful song

By displaying his colorful feathers

What is the American robin's range during the winter months?

All of North America B.

The southern United States and Mexico

Central and South America

Europe and Asia

What is the American robin's distinctive call?

A harsh, cawing sound

A series of high-pitched whistles

A soft, melodic warble

A low, mournful hoot

What is the American robin's habitat?

Forests and woodlands

Grasslands and meadows

Suburban and urban areas

Wetlands and marshes

How does the American robin help to spread plant seeds?

By eating and digesting the fruit

By dropping the fruit on the ground

By burying the fruit in the soil

By carrying the fruit in its beak to a new location

What is the American robin's status on the IUCN Red List?



Least concern

Near threatened

What is the most common predator of the American robin?

Hawks and other raptors

Snakes and other reptiles

Domestic cats

Foxes and other mammals

Very impressive!

Congratulations on acing the Robin Quiz! Your knowledge of these friendly backyard birds is impressive. Keep up the good work and continue learning more about these fascinating creatures.

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It's okay if you didn't do as well as you hoped on this quiz. It's important to remember that everyone has room for improvement and it's a great opportunity to learn something new.  Take some time to study the material and try again. With practice and dedication, you'll be able to do better next time. Don't give up!

What is the scientific name for the American robin?
1 / 15
How long is the average American robin?
2 / 15
Where is the American robin's breeding range?
3 / 15
What is the American robin's favorite food?
4 / 15
How many eggs does the American robin typically lay in one clutch?
5 / 15
What color is the American robin's egg?
6 / 15
What is the lifespan of the American robin in the wild?
7 / 15
What is the American robin's scientific family name?
8 / 15
How does the male American robin attract a mate?
9 / 15
What is the American robin's range during the winter months?
10 / 15
What is the American robin's distinctive call?
11 / 15
What is the American robin's habitat?
12 / 15
How does the American robin help to spread plant seeds?
13 / 15
What is the American robin's status on the IUCN Red List?
14 / 15
What is the most common predator of the American robin?
15 / 15

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