Which Horse Color Matches You?

Which Horse Color Matches You?

Based on your personality, you'll find the perfect colour for you! From spotty leopard appaloosa to pure, shiny black, you're sure to discover the perfect choice.

Are you more open or narrow minded?



Do you like details?

Is blended or mixed your style?

Are you creative and/or crafty?

Pick your favourite

Kindess is very important

What is your favourite hair colour?

Light Blonde

Dark Chocolate



Light Brown

Chestnut Brown

Do you like this picture?

Your Colour Match is: Black!

In horse colours, black suits you the best!

Your Colour Match is: Chestnut!

Chestnut is the best horse colour for you!

Your Colour Match is: Bay!

Your personality fits the best with the colour bay!

Your Colour Match is: Palomino!

You got palomino! This colour obviously is your fit.

Your Colour Match is: Gray!

It's proven that your colour match is gray!

Your Colour Match is: Buckskin!

Buckskin's your best fit!

Your Colour Match is: Piebald!

Black and white is clearly your go!

Your Colour Match is: Skewbald!

Your personality shows that brown and white suits you!

Your Colour Match is: Red Roan!

Red Roan! This is your match!

Your Colour Match is: Blue Roan!

The one that fits with your style is blue roan!

Your Colour Match is: Dapple Grey!

Your style is the match for this colour horse!

Your Colour Match is: Flaxen Chestnut!

This colour is your personality fit!

Your Colour Match is: Leopard Appaloosa!

This horsey colour is the right one for you!

Are you more open or narrow minded?
1 / 8
Do you like details?
2 / 8
Is blended or mixed your style?
3 / 8
Are you creative and/or crafty?
4 / 8
Pick your favourite
5 / 8
Kindess is very important
6 / 8
What is your favourite hair colour?
7 / 8
Do you like this picture?
8 / 8

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