Why Am I Unhappy in My Relationship? Take the Quiz to Find Out

Why Am I Unhappy in My Relationship? Take the Quiz to Find Out

If you feel unhappy, uncomfortable, or uneasy about your relationship, take our quiz and find out why!

When you are fighting, what do you feel?

Total voidness, as if something terrible has happened

Anger - because she/he's cheating on you

A feeling of guilt - I did something wrong

What does annoy you most in your partner?

Lack of attention

He/she doesn't mind of flirting with others


You could cheat on your partner

Could your partner say in public a very unpleasant or made up thing about you (for example, that you have crooked teeth or are bad at cooking, etc.)?

Yes, but his word is always true

Yes, to put me out of temper

Yes, but I think the same

Do you often hang out with your friends?

No, my beloved one replaces all others

No, I'm jealous of him over my friends

No, she/he forbids me

Why did you break up previously?

She/he was tired of me

My partner was cheating on me

I had no relationships, I'm glad that I could start it with someone

If your partner is gone for a business trip, do you feel washed-up and wait edgily for his return?

Assess how easily you can express your opinion

Colleagues (including ones of the opposite sex) gave your beloved one a lot of gifts for his birthday. Your reaction?

What could be the reasons for your fighting?

Because she/he wants to be alone and you don't make it possible

Because of a harmless congratulation on the professional holiday from an ex-classmate

Because I washed dishes in the wrong way

How do you think, does your partner love you?

You trust your partner

What are you afraid of?

To lose someone I love

Cheating on me

That he'll break up with me

If your partner likes bananas and horrors, do you also start eating bunches of bananas and watch movies about maniacs?

Assess how it's common for you to check your partner's email and phone

How do you think how much do you deserve love?

Probably, you dissolve in your partner

Of course, love unites people but try to not forget that you're an individual person with your character and interests. It's not necessary to dissolve in the partner and lose yourself to prove your love: there are other pleasant ways to do it! Until you redefine the boundaries, you'll hardly feel comfortable next to your partner. We're sure, you're a very tender person! Share the quiz result to let your followers check themselves too ;)

You hardly trust each other

Apparently, playing a detective increasingly frequently becomes the favorite entertainment - it's hard for you to relax, you increasingly suspect each other and this exhausts you pretty badly. If you cannot be sincere and don't believe in your partner - probably, you need to change your common behavior and work on trust issues. Share the quiz result to let your followers check themselves too ;)

Probably, you aren't self-confident

Probably, you're afraid of making a change in your relationship, because you aren't self-confident - you have many fears and doubts: how will I do without him/her, what if I won't find anybody, this is my fault, etc. But, first of all, to establish a strong and firm relationship you need to gain this very confidence and firmness in yourself. Perhaps, a psychologist's consultation will help you. Share the quiz result to let your followers check themselves too ;)

When you are fighting, what do you feel?
1 / 16
What does annoy you most in your partner?
2 / 16
You could cheat on your partner
3 / 16
Could your partner say in public a very unpleasant or made up thing about you (for example, that you have crooked teeth or are bad at cooking, etc.)?
4 / 16
Do you often hang out with your friends?
5 / 16
Why did you break up previously?
6 / 16
If your partner is gone for a business trip, do you feel washed-up and wait edgily for his return?
7 / 16
Assess how easily you can express your opinion
8 / 16
Colleagues (including ones of the opposite sex) gave your beloved one a lot of gifts for his birthday. Your reaction?
9 / 16
What could be the reasons for your fighting?
10 / 16
How do you think, does your partner love you?
11 / 16
You trust your partner
12 / 16
What are you afraid of?
13 / 16
If your partner likes bananas and horrors, do you also start eating bunches of bananas and watch movies about maniacs?
14 / 16
Assess how it's common for you to check your partner's email and phone
15 / 16
How do you think how much do you deserve love?
16 / 16

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