Are You and Your Partner Compatible? Take the Love Compatibility Quiz

Are You and Your Partner Compatible? Take the Love Compatibility Quiz
Family and relationships in couples have been the subject of extensive studies. Our simple quiz will help you find out the truth about your relationship. Using it, you and your other half will spend a few minutes and find out why you fit together so well. Or not. 

You come to see friends. And there you notice that your other half starts acting strangely, talks nonsense. Your actions?

I'd die of shame

I'll try to understand what's wrong

I'll keep silent and won't squabble in front of strangers

I'll start arguing

Do you remember this bubble gum? How will you complete this statement? Love is...




A trial

A terrible situation but imagine that your other half is cheating on you. Your reaction?

Yuck! How could he?! That's disgusting

I'll become angry and go into reveng mode, smash and destroy

Nope, don't believe. It can't be

I'll feel hurt and take offence

What can you say about loneliness?

A lonely person cannot be happy

It's too boring

It has its advantages. Tha main one is freedom

I won't be able to live like this. I’m afraid of loneliness

Let’s give reins to your imagination. You won a ticket to go to the Maldives. But only one person can go to. What will you do?

At last! I can finally take a rest alone

I'll give it to my other half for the next holiday

I'll go. What is the reason to miss it?

I’ll sell it. How can I go alone?

Could you hit your other half?

Fighting is not ok....You should not do it.

No way!

I'll just leave

Yes, if I feel really hurt

You have serious disagreements about your best friend John. What will you do?

I’ll try to prove that John is a great friend, that he’s not ...that he's not what he appears to be.

We'll break up. With John, of course

First, I'll have a talk with John, then we'll see

My friends are MY friends. That's it

You’re cooking a gorgeous romantic supper – candles, beauty all around, wine. But it falls through at the eleventh hour. Of course, not because of you. Your emotions?

Not a big deal. This is not the last night after all

Shit happens. I won't take offence

Ooo, take knives and other sharp objects away from me. I'm angry

I'll feel stupid

Do you think it is ok to yell at each other?

The more violent quarrel, the more tender the making up is

Yes, although it's unpleasant

No, this relationship is doomed

It's better not to let it happen

What's the secret of a happy relationship?

Love. Everything of genius is simple

Full mutual understanding

Do not inhibit the freedom

Partners in an equitable relationship

Can you forgive lying?

No. Lying means disrespecting a person

You can do without it

If it was not very important

I don't care until I find out about it

Your other half has a very annoying habit. How do you deal with it?

I'll get accustomed to it eventually

I will suppressit, harshly.

I'm not ideal either. What now?

I will just stand and suffer.

What set of qualities do you think are perfect?

Good sense of humour, openness

Passion, unpredictability, power

Kindness, calm, optimism

Fidelity and strong affection

You're made for each other

It's obvious even without the quiz! Even Kate Middleton and prince William don't come close to your couple. The relationship is so harmonious that people around are tempted to envy. You easily understand the desires of each other and if you have the patience to overcome some difficulties, you'll be able to live a long and happy life.

You're a good couple

You have a very good combination of characters, interests, and desires. There are no severe shocks yet and you live calmly and harmoniously, in peace and agreement. However,  probably only one of you will have to handle difficult situations. And if the other partner can accept it, happiness and love are guaranteed to you. 

Difficult, but possible

You can coexist - given decent annual income, health, and other earthy blessings. Of course, you won't make Romeo and Juliet, but you can live long and happy in an even and friendly flow of life. But your couple cannot get through difficult situations. 

You are hopeless

The charm of such a union is, probably, in its initially programmed impermanence. This couple can hardly do something together except endless getting into an argument. On the other hand, you reach maximum heights in doing so! 

You come to see friends. And there you notice that your other half starts acting strangely, talks nonsense. Your actions?
1 / 13
Do you remember this bubble gum? How will you complete this statement? Love is...
2 / 13
A terrible situation but imagine that your other half is cheating on you. Your reaction?
3 / 13
What can you say about loneliness?
4 / 13
Let’s give reins to your imagination. You won a ticket to go to the Maldives. But only one person can go to. What will you do?
5 / 13
Could you hit your other half?
6 / 13
You have serious disagreements about your best friend John. What will you do?
7 / 13
You’re cooking a gorgeous romantic supper – candles, beauty all around, wine. But it falls through at the eleventh hour. Of course, not because of you. Your emotions?
8 / 13
Do you think it is ok to yell at each other?
9 / 13
What's the secret of a happy relationship?
10 / 13
Can you forgive lying?
11 / 13
Your other half has a very annoying habit. How do you deal with it?
12 / 13
What set of qualities do you think are perfect?
13 / 13

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