Can You ACE This Baseball Rules Trivia Quiz?

Can You ACE This Baseball Rules Trivia Quiz?
Many know that baseball is in the top three games in the US. But the rules of baseball for many Russian sport fans remain a puzzle. With the help of this quiz, we'll find out whether you know this game well and can recall its basic rules. Let's start!

What is "home"?

Infield is an external field (a square or a diamond with 27,45 m sides) and Outfield is an internal field. So called bases, around which the game is played, are located by its angles. Home is one of the bases.

Bench strength

One of the bases at the internal field

A place where the catcher sits

Home team's stadium

Where is Shortstop usually positioned?

Shortstop's position is between the bases depending on the situation on the field, as a rule, between the 1st and 2nd bases. He gets the ball hit by the batter between 2 and 3 bases, defends 2 base, secures 2 and 3 bases.

Always differently

Between 3 base and the home plate

Behind the home plate

Between 1 and 2 bases

What is strike?

Strike is a ball served to the strike zone and not touched by the bat.

Changing the ball's pathway by the pitcher

Three accurate pitches in a row

A ball served to the strike zone and not touched by the bat

A moment when defensive players touch the attacking player with the ball

Where's the batter's position?

The batter is a player who stands next to the home plate with the bat.

Nex to the home plate

At the first base

In the center of the internal field

Beyond the internal field

Choose the catcher's equipment:

Catchers have the most interesting equipment. It consists of knee caps, a chest protector, a helmet mask and a special thick trap. This gear protects him against accidental injuries.





Bump cap

Shoulder pads


How does pitcher look?

The pitcher is the team's main player who stands in the center of the internal field on a small earth mound. He starts the game throwing the ball. The pitcher's task is to make his teammates' life easier, namely, to pitch in such a way that the batter cannot strike at all (there are many techniques to overplay the batter, for example, a very strong pitching, twisting the ball, etc.) or to make his pitch failed (easy one for a player on defense to receive).

How many strikes are needed to put the batter out?

When three outs are recorded in an inning, the batter is put out.




He cannot be put out

If the pitch is outside of the strike zone, what does the pitcher get?

A ball is a pitch where the batter does not swing, yet the pitch is outside of the strike zone.

Strike out




How many innings are in one game?

It wins a team, which manages to do the greater number of total runs from base to base in 9 innings (in the course of each inning the opponents play one time as offensive and one time as defensive team) and in such a way to get more scores.





Can be there a draw game in baseball?

There are no draw games in baseball. If the score is draw by the end of the 9th inning, the 10th, 11th, etc. inning starts until one team wins.

Which of these is a baseball tradition?

Breaks between innings allow players and fans to relax after stormy feelings, they are pleasant and give calm. There's an established tradition known as the seventh-inning stretch when fans stand from their seats and stretch, while the teams change their places.

Eight players swear at the pitcher behind his back for good luck

The seventh-inning stretch

The catcher sits next to the home plate on his knees

To finish the game after the 7th inning

Master of sports

Congrats! You can play baseball pretty well. At least, in theory. Now when you're sure that you know all the rules in detail, you can come to the field on your own. All you need is a ball, a bat and the more protective gear the better. Share the result with friends. Gather a team under your command and hurry up towards new achievements!

Baseball player-beginner

You heard something about ball and bat, but your knowledge of baseball is based on American movies and belief that this game is incredibly difficult. This is true, indeed. Nonetheless, you can sort out the rules. Now you know them a little bit better. And when you'll be sure that you have learned all the details, you'll be able to come to the field on your own. All you need is a ball, a bat and the more protective gear the better. Share the result with friends. Gather a team under your command and hurry up towards new achievements!

What is "home"?
1 / 11
Where is Shortstop usually positioned?
2 / 11
What is strike?
3 / 11
Where's the batter's position?
4 / 11
Choose the catcher's equipment:
5 / 11
How does pitcher look?
6 / 11
How many strikes are needed to put the batter out?
7 / 11
If the pitch is outside of the strike zone, what does the pitcher get?
8 / 11
How many innings are in one game?
9 / 11
Can be there a draw game in baseball?
10 / 11
Which of these is a baseball tradition?
11 / 11

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