Can You Match These Animals With Their Scientific Names?

Can You Match These Animals With Their Scientific Names?
Anyone can recognize an animal by its photo, but do you know the scientific name? Let's see if you can guess who's who!

Which is the name for a Donkey?

Dynastes Hercules

Donkis Dorkis

Equus asinus


Which is the name of a Bullfrog?

Lithobates Catesbeianus

Bull Froggis


Ribbetus Maximus

Which of these is the name for a Seahorse?

Equus Mares


Equus Oceanus


Which of these is the name for a Chicken?

Gallus Gallus Domesticus

Passer Domesticus

Cluckus Hen

Chickus Eggus

Which of these is the name for the Bald Eagle?

Gallus Gallant

Patriotis Eaglus

Eaglus Americanus

Haliaeetus Leucocephalus

Which of these is the name for an African elephant?





Which is the name for a Great White Shark?

Carcharodon Carcharias


Sharkus Bitus


Which of these is the name for a Fox?

Lupus Vulpus

Canis Vulpa

Canis Foxis

Vulpes Vulpes

Which of these is the name for an Octopus?

Octo Guppy

Ochotona Minor



Which of these is the name for a Tiger?


Panthera Parus

Felis Tiger

Panthera Tigris

Which of these is the name for a Squirrel?




Nuttae Lova

Which of these is the name for a Wolverine?

Gulo Gulo


Canus Vicious

Lupus Wolfo

Which of these is the name for a Hedgehog?

Helogale Parvula

Atelerix Albiventris

Spikus Hogus

Pygmus Trix

Which of these is the name for a Camel.

Camelus Humpus

Camis Rufus


Camelus Dromedarius

Which of these is the name for a Komodo dragon?



Varanus Komodoensis


Which of these is the name for the Killer Whale?

Oriolus Orca

Orcinus Orca



Which of these is the name for a Llama?

Lama Glama


Lama Lama

Rama Lama

Which of these is the name for a Beetle?

Beatle Splendens




Which of these is the name for a Crab?





Which of these is the name for a Peacock?

Pavo Phaethon

Pavo Cristatus


Peacari Tajacu

Which of these is the name for a Seal?

Stigops Harboritilus


Taurus Nauticulus

Phoca Vitulina

Which of these is the name for a Black Swan?


Swancerus Cygnus

Cygnus Atratus

Cygnus Noir

Which of these is the name for a Grizzly Bear?

Ursus Grizzlus

Ursus Arctos

Ursus Americanus

Ursus Arctos Horriblis

Which of these is the name for the Kangaroo?

Macropus Giganteus

Ruphus Jumpus

Roopicapra Roopicapra

Pongo Pygmaeus

Which of these is the name for a Nightingale?


Luscinia Megarhynchos


Avem Noctis

Which of these is the name for a Toad?



Bufo Bufo


Which of these is the name for a Rat?

Ratta Tatta


Raphus Cucullatus

Odocoileus Vulgaris

Which of these is the name for a Skunk?

Macaca Fuscata


Odorous Rosmarus

Felis Smellius

Which of these is the name for a Goat?

Goatus Maximus

Capra Aegagrus Hircus

Castor Canadensis

Heterodonuts Francisci

Which of these is the name for a Raccoon?

Procyon Lotor

Bandit Branta

Rattus Raccoon


Which of these is the name for a Cow?

Bovine Beefo

Bos Taurus

Tusiops Truncatus

Moo Horridus

Which of these is the name for a Raven?


Cryptoprocta Ferox

Corvus Corax

Ovis Raven

Which of these is the name for a King Cobra?

King Oryceropus


Cobra Cuniculus

Ophiophagus Hannah

Which is the name for a Leopard?

Panthera Pardus

Felis Concolor

Leopardus Pardalis

Panthera Onca

Which is the name for a Rabbit?

Lagus Buniculus

Bubalus Bubalis

Hare Lagus

Oryctolagus Cuniculus

Which of these is the name for a Bat?



Betta Spendens

Vampira Bat

Which of these is the name for a Zebra?

Equus Quagga

Sarcophilus Harrisii

Zebrus Zerda

Vulpes Zerda

Which of these is the name for a Dog?

Dog Familiaris

Canis Lupus Familiaris

Dugong Dugon

Canis Rufus

Which is the name for a Hippopotamus?

Elephas Maximus Borneensis

Hippopotamus amphibius



Not a fan of zoology

Scientific names of animals are not your area of interest. You don't know even the simplest ones. Indeed, who needs to know them, if you can call our smaller friends the way everyone is used to! Send this quiz to your friends, let's see if they can do it better!

Novice zoologist

Scientific names of animals are your area of interest. You're quite good at even the hard ones. But zoology still has something to surprise you with! Keep learning! Send this quiz to your friends, let's see if they can do it better!

A real zoologist

Scientific names of animals are your area of interest. You are well versed in even the most complex and confusing options. This result is surprising, but do not stop learning! You will always find something that will surprise you! Send this quiz to your friends, let's see if they can do it better!

Which is the name for a Donkey?
Which is the name of a Bullfrog?
Which of these is the name for a Seahorse?
Which of these is the name for a Chicken?
Which of these is the name for the Bald Eagle?
Which of these is the name for an African elephant?
Which is the name for a Great White Shark?
Which of these is the name for a Fox?
Which of these is the name for an Octopus?
Which of these is the name for a Tiger?
Which of these is the name for a Squirrel?
Which of these is the name for a Wolverine?
Which of these is the name for a Hedgehog?
Which of these is the name for a Camel.
Which of these is the name for a Komodo dragon?
Which of these is the name for the Killer Whale?
Which of these is the name for a Llama?
Which of these is the name for a Beetle?
Which of these is the name for a Crab?
Which of these is the name for a Peacock?
Which of these is the name for a Seal?
Which of these is the name for a Black Swan?
Which of these is the name for a Grizzly Bear?
Which of these is the name for the Kangaroo?
Which of these is the name for a Nightingale?
Which of these is the name for a Toad?
Which of these is the name for a Rat?
Which of these is the name for a Skunk?
Which of these is the name for a Goat?
Which of these is the name for a Raccoon?
Which of these is the name for a Cow?
Which of these is the name for a Raven?
Which of these is the name for a King Cobra?
Which is the name for a Leopard?
Which is the name for a Rabbit?
Which of these is the name for a Bat?
Which of these is the name for a Zebra?
Which of these is the name for a Dog?
Which is the name for a Hippopotamus?

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