Your boss has scolded one of the employees in front of everyone? Was he right to do so?
No. He should have turned everything into a joke
He should have talked to him in private
Why not? It might be effective
In your opinion, is it good to criticize a boss?
I don’t think so. It ruins his authority
Yes, but cautiously
Of course! It’s a total must do
How often do you criticize yourself?
Are you capable of adequate self-evaluation?
There are so many people who can do that. I don’t even bother
I see some flaws, but can make excuses
Yes. I’m trying to see myself from aside
Are you trying to be mild or speak politely when expressing your opinion?
I think the more strict I am the more effective my words are
Depends on the person who I criticize
Yes, totally. One should never shoot from the hip
Do you pay attention to positive sides of someone when criticizing?
Yes. I try to
Only if I know that this person is very offensive
I don’t see any sense in that
Are you trying to limit the amount of criticism?
Yes. When I criticize, I focus on one thing only
I try to find a solid reason for my criticism
No. I just say whatever comes to my mind
Do you suggest any “points for growth” when criticizing?
Of course. I call it criticize-suggest rule
Yes, if I know how to act in this case
The main thing is to point to a problem. Everything else is not my business
What do you do when you hear someone criticizing you?
I need to think about it and give my answer
I’m very disappointed and don’t rush to reply
I immediately reply and make excuses
What do you feel toward a person who is criticizing you?
A sharp feeling of hatred
I’m angry if this criticism is not reasonable
I’m grateful for his remarks
Criticism is evil
You have a negative attitude toward criticism, because you don’t like when someone talks ill about you. However, when you begin criticizing people, you might go to far. You’re quite emotional in both cases, easily excited, might be angry or sharp. We recommend you to work on your moderation, stability and resilience. What do your friends think about criticism? Share this test with them to find out!
It’s bearable
You’re tolerable to criticism and consider it a vital part of a professional life. However, you don’t overestimate its efficiency. You are capable to control your emotions when sharing your opinion about someone or something and rarely lose your temper. Yet, you might feel offended sometimes, want to revenge your critics and make excuses for your mistakes and errors. What do your friends think about criticism? Share this test to find out!
Nothing personal
You have a practical attitude toward criticism, nothing personal. You are capable of taking it calmly and freely admit your mistakes with dignity and courage. When expressing your opinion, you never overreact, never try to make excuses or blame others. Your competence and expertise, your self-confidence help you to focus on the benefits of the things you do, not on people’s evaluations and opinions. What do your friends think about criticism? Share this test to find out!