Discover the Untold Story: Test Your Knowledge of The Diary of a Young Girl

Discover the Untold Story: Test Your Knowledge of The Diary of a Young Girl

The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank is a powerful and moving account of a young girl's life during the Holocaust. Anne Frank's diary has become a symbol of hope and resilience, as she documented her experiences and thoughts while hiding from the Nazis with her family in Amsterdam.

This quiz will test your knowledge of Anne Frank's life, her diary, and the historical context in which she lived.

What was the name of Anne Frank's older sister?





In which city did Anne Frank and her family hide during World War II?





What was the name of the family friend who helped the Franks hide?

Mr. Kraler

Mr. Dussel

Mr. Van Daan

Mr. Frank

What was the name of the building where the Franks hid?

The Concealed Cabin

The Hidden House

The Covert Cottage

The Secret Annex

What was the name of Anne's diary?

The Secret Diary

The Hidden Journal

The Covert Notebook

The Diary of a Young Girl

What was the name of the radio program that the Franks listened to in the Annex?

The Voice of America


Radio Oranje

Radio Free Europe

What was the name of the family who also hid in the Annex with the Franks?

The Van Daans

The Van Helsings

The Van Goghs

The Van Dykes

What was the name of the dentist who also hid in the Annex with the Franks?

Mr. Kraler

Mr. Dussel

Mr. Van Daan

Mr. Frank

What was the name of the person who betrayed the Franks and their friends to the Nazis?

Mr. Kraler

Mr. Dussel

Mr. Van Daan

Miep Gies

What was the fate of Anne Frank and her family?

They were rescued by Allied forces

They were captured and sent to a concentration camp

They escaped to Switzerland

They were able to return to their home after the war

What was the name of the concentration camp where Anne Frank died?





When was The Diary of a Young Girl first published?





Who was responsible for editing and publishing Anne Frank's diary?

Otto Frank, Anne's father

Margot Frank, Anne's sister

Miep Gies, the family friend who helped them hide

Anne Frank herself

Very impressive!

Congratulations on passing the quiz about The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank! Your dedication and hard work have paid off, and you should be proud of your achievement. Keep up the great work!

There is still room for improvement!

It's okay if you didn't do as well as you hoped on this quiz. It's important to remember that everyone has room for improvement and it's a great opportunity to learn something new.  Take some time to study the material and try again. With practice and dedication, you'll be able to do better next time. Don't give up!

What was the name of Anne Frank's older sister?
1 / 13
In which city did Anne Frank and her family hide during World War II?
2 / 13
What was the name of the family friend who helped the Franks hide?
3 / 13
What was the name of the building where the Franks hid?
4 / 13
What was the name of Anne's diary?
5 / 13
What was the name of the radio program that the Franks listened to in the Annex?
6 / 13
What was the name of the family who also hid in the Annex with the Franks?
7 / 13
What was the name of the dentist who also hid in the Annex with the Franks?
8 / 13
What was the name of the person who betrayed the Franks and their friends to the Nazis?
9 / 13
What was the fate of Anne Frank and her family?
10 / 13
What was the name of the concentration camp where Anne Frank died?
11 / 13
When was The Diary of a Young Girl first published?
12 / 13
Who was responsible for editing and publishing Anne Frank's diary?
13 / 13

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