How Much Does My Girlfriend Love Me? Take the Quiz to Find Out

How Much Does My Girlfriend Love Me? Take the Quiz to Find Out
Breaking up doesn't necessarily mean the end of a relationship. Are you ready to finally let go of your ex? Or do you still have feelings for them and hope to reunite? This test can help you find out if you still love them or have truly moved on!

How often do you think about your ex and relationship you had?

What's the first thing to come to you mind when you recall your relationship?

The brightest moments

Issues that still bother you

Feelings he caused

Are you stalking his account? We won't tell anyone!

I do! I stalk him, his mates and the girls he knows

Yes, sometimes I wonder how he is doing

I send him a bday wish once a year. That's it

Are you two still in touch?

No, it's hard to even think about us

Yes, we get along quite well

No, I have new friends

Do you think he's still thinking about you?

I do really hope so!

He might recall some moments with a smile

I doubt that. Why should he?

You're given a truly unbelievable opportunity to relive your relationship once again. Do you want to?


Maybe, but only specific moments

No, I don't need it

Do you remember the moment when you two broke up?

It was such a blow! I didn't expect it

We knew it would be better. Anyway, it was painful

We had a long talk and came to this conclusion

Have you already met someone else?

No, can't even think about it

Yes, but I keep compare him to my ex

Yes, I'm seeing someone

It's his bday. What will you do?

Send long and touching message

Text or call him to congratulate


What if you see him with someone?

I can't take it! It's too painful

Well, I'm happy for him

I hardly recognize him

Your feelings are still strong

You still have feelings for your ex. Moreover, you hope to start over. Such things happen when break up was unexpected and painful. Perhaps, you need to think everything out, look at your relationship from another angle, have a heartthrob chat with your friends and make a deliberate choice. Do your friends want to know about their relationships with ex? Share this test to find out!

He is just a nice memory

Yes, you still have feelings for your ex. However, it's nothing more than just a nice memories of the time you've spent together. When you're feeling nostalgic you might recall that your relationship was good. This affection doesn't prevent you from moving on! Do your friends want to know about their relationships with ex? Share this test to find out!

Your relationship is over

You have no feelings for your ex. A single thought of reviving your relationship seems bizarre and silly. Your relationship is in the past; a vague memory is all that has left. Nothing prevents you from meeting new people and moving on. Do your friends want to know about their relationships with ex? Share this test to find out!

How often do you think about your ex and relationship you had?
1 / 10
What's the first thing to come to you mind when you recall your relationship?
2 / 10
Are you stalking his account? We won't tell anyone!
3 / 10
Are you two still in touch?
4 / 10
Do you think he's still thinking about you?
5 / 10
You're given a truly unbelievable opportunity to relive your relationship once again. Do you want to?
6 / 10
Do you remember the moment when you two broke up?
7 / 10
Have you already met someone else?
8 / 10
It's his bday. What will you do?
9 / 10
What if you see him with someone?
10 / 10

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