Do you have it in you to be an assassin? (Girls only!!)


I made this quiz because I've always felt like I have the heart to be an assassin, but was never quite sure, and i could never find a good enough quiz to give me the answer to the question I asked. So with this quz, i hope to help people like me.

What's do you wear on a day-to-day basis? (going to a mall, filming a tiktok, having fun with friends).

Something dark and sexy

Bright and inviting!

Billie Eilish style

Something eye-catching and sexy


What's the worst rumor?

that i am jealous or hate someone

That I am someone weak/ chicken/ backs down easily

That someone else is better then me at something

That me or my loved ones are in danger or cause danger to someone else

That I have no heart

That I am someone not to be feared

I really don't care about rumors/ What's a few more to the pool?

Which one do you feel you most connect to?

I don't like any of these/ I don't have a heart

What is the point of this?/ IDC

You are woken up by screaming, you are sitting at your desk in class and the teacher announces that there is a shooter in the school, your first thought is.....?

Follow the teacher's instructions! that way i won't die!

I need to help someone in need!

i kind of want to find the shooter myself....

omg.OMG! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!

would i ever have the nerve to do something like that?

I wonder who the shooter is?

I hope my friends aren't hurt!!

I just want to lie down and go back to sleep

How would it feel to hold the gun myself?

That lucky duck! he got the gun??!!

I kind of want to stand infront of the shooter.....

You are locked in a room with an angry dog on a leash barking at you, the leash looks old and ready o break at any second. You see a box at the corner of the otherwise empty room, you look in it and take....

The dog treats/ toys

The shield

The hammer

The sedative in a dart

The dagger

The poison dagger

I don't take anything, as i am too stunned to move

I ignore the box and grab the leash, not sure what to do with it

The dog is let lose, (even if you held the leash, it pulls out of your grasp), and it charges at you, barking furiously, you....

run like the wind!~

Fall back in fear

Ready yourself to attack

Try to dodge from the dog

Back away slowly

Plunge whatever it is you're holding into the dog when it comes close

try to calm the dog down

sit on the floor and hope it doesn't attack

stare at it/ not do anything

try to scare it away

Before you actually get hurt by the dog, the floor opens up under you, and you fall down a long chute, and hit the bottom. You feel the life leave your body, and with blurry vision, you see what looks like a person crouching over you, smiling. Your last words.....


Fuck you!


What the......

Who are you.....?

i'll wait for you in hell!


You wake up in a wooden chair, bound my leather, and through your groggy eyes, you look up and see the person who had crouched over you b4, he is smiling at you and is devilishly handsome, you are instantly attracted to him, "so, you're awake! how nice" you say.....

Ummm.....Who are you?

Get me the hell out of here!!

Am i dead? cuz i have a manicure due in a few, and i really don't want to miss it


untie me, then tell me who you are and why im here

Are you gonna kill me?

I will pull out your guts as soon as im free!!!!

I thought i died...., am i in the afterlife? cuz i kinda wanted to die tbh

*doesn't answer*

*stares daggers at the man*

You're hot!

The man smiles again and just says, "your questions will be answered in due time, 4 now, try not to die" then he disappears into thin air, your thoughts.....

I could die?!

challenge accepted!

Who the hell does he think he is?! hot? totally, but like, he can't do this to me!!

WTF just happened, I think im hallucinating!

How do i get out? Who is that guy? am i dreaming? where is this place? ect

Once I get out of this, i will MURDERER that guy!!!!

I could die? well maybe i should just stay here then, kind of helping me actually.....

im just gonna sleep, i'll wake up and see it's a dream

Omg! OMG!! OMG!!!OMG!!!!

Completely forget the last few questions, let's just assume you get out. Now, what words pop out for you the most?

Love/ Kindness/ Caring

Cool/ Bad/ Black

Mine/ Possession/ Material girl

Kind/ Cool/ Freedom

Independence/ Morality/ Humane

Killing/ Desire/ Joy

Death/ Suicide/ Sadness

None of these pop out for me~

You are totally the opposite of an Assassin!

You can barely stand to even think about blood and guts and death, why are you even considering yourself as an assassin?! you are too kind-hearted to do anything of the sort.  People like you and think of you as an angle, though there may be times when you think you are mean or have some negative emotions, it never pervails against your sense of kindness, and don't worry about feeling jealous or thinking bad about someone every once in a while, because it's completely normal, don't stress out too much!

You are a bad girl!

You are a badass! But you don't have the heart to kill anyone. You might occasionaly get into fights and be either loved or hated by the people you know, but as much as you want to be tough and cool, you still have a heart of gold that only the people closest to you know of. 

The mean girl!

You are the tipical mean girl from the movies. You feel jealous of people often and have lots of enemys, probably even one main arch nemisis, but you are no killer. You would feel extrememly guilty if you killed someone, whether accidently or....well it would be and accident if it did happen, because you don't have it in you to kill. Killing takes something out of people, and you aren't willing to let go of it.

You're the guilty killer!

You wouldn't kill anyone of your own free will, but if you were threatened, you might kill someone out of fear, but after doing so, you will be weighed down with incredible guilt, and probably end up turning yourself into the police. You are only capable of killing someone you don't know though, if you were forced to kill someone you were on good terms with, or even hate, you wouldn't be able to do it. Knowing the person's personaliy is just too much for you, and you wouln't be able to do so.

The willing assassin.

You definately have it in you to kill, and not even feel guilty about it. But you would not kill without good reason to, and you will only kill people you do not know or hate, knowing the person personaliy just doesn't bow well with you, and you don't want to have to stay around to see the emotional pain it causes others.  And so, this makes you a perfect assassin, you are willing to kill as long as it is for a good reason, you have the ability to completey turn off your sadness and guilt that usually accompanys killing, you might even secretly enjoy it.  I fall into this catogory myself! welcome to the club sista!!~

Straight-up murderer!

You definately have the heart to kill, even your loved ones, maybe you don't even think you have anyone that loves you. You might even take joy in killing and watching the life draining from someone, you relish at the sight of blood and pain, you have no mercy, and have no problem in killing. You might even kill for fun or for small amounts of money, not once caring if the kill was for a good reason.  Chill out girl! 

You're just depressed!

People often confuse depression or sadness with cold-heartedness. You're not a murderer, you are just sad and thinks badly of everyone, including yourself. That darkness you feel isn't the yerning to kill, it's just pain from something you might not even be aware of.  Sit, relax, have a cup of tea, idk, just try to appriciate life a bit more and find out what makes you happy in a healthy way!~

What's do you wear on a day-to-day basis? (going to a mall, filming a tiktok, having fun with friends).
1 / 10
What's the worst rumor?
2 / 10
Which one do you feel you most connect to?
3 / 10
You are woken up by screaming, you are sitting at your desk in class and the teacher announces that there is a shooter in the school, your first thought is.....?
4 / 10
You are locked in a room with an angry dog on a leash barking at you, the leash looks old and ready o break at any second. You see a box at the corner of the otherwise empty room, you look in it and take....
5 / 10
The dog is let lose, (even if you held the leash, it pulls out of your grasp), and it charges at you, barking furiously, you....
6 / 10
Before you actually get hurt by the dog, the floor opens up under you, and you fall down a long chute, and hit the bottom. You feel the life leave your body, and with blurry vision, you see what looks like a person crouching over you, smiling. Your last words.....
7 / 10
You wake up in a wooden chair, bound my leather, and through your groggy eyes, you look up and see the person who had crouched over you b4, he is smiling at you and is devilishly handsome, you are instantly attracted to him, "so, you're awake! how nice" you say.....
8 / 10
The man smiles again and just says, "your questions will be answered in due time, 4 now, try not to die" then he disappears into thin air, your thoughts.....
9 / 10
Completely forget the last few questions, let's just assume you get out. Now, what words pop out for you the most?
10 / 10

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