Which Roman Gladiator Am I?

Which Roman Gladiator Am I?
Gladiator fights were an attribute of the Roman lifestyle. Its main participants were professional fighters trained in multiple weapons. The gladiators' armature was distinguished by diversity and initially corresponded to the arming features of Romans' enemies. Over time, a few main types of gladiator armature were formed. Learn about them here!

Let's get straight to the point - choose your weapon:

To marry well and not think about anything anymore

To live the way you want

To be a kind and open person, to help others

To be an example of honour and nobility

If your weapon fails, what will you use to win?

Using a special tactic - false attacks

I'll get another sword or a gladius

I'll attack more aggressively

I'll use a trident

Now let's decide on protection. Which shield will you choose?

Rectangular and long

A round one will be the best

A square one will ensure the best protection

Rectangular but not very long

I don't need a shield

To make the protection complete you need a helmet. Make your choice

The most reliable

The simplest one, without unnecessary details

This one, to look like a winner

I get along without a helmet

How do you behave in a fight?

I'll fight gripping, use cunning

I'll circle around the enemy for long, exhausting him with fake attacks

I have a short sword, so I'll attack from a close distance

I don't like close-in. I'll fight from afar

How do you look when fighting?

Short greaves and a tunica

High greaves and arm guards

An arm guard for one arm, a breast plate and a loincloth

An arm guard for the arm and shoulder, a bright loincloth

How can you describe your courage?

My courage is to fight till the end

I have a lot of courage, I need adrenaline

My courage is to find the opponent's weak spot and hit it

My courage is aggressive hard-driving fighting

If you face the enemy, how will you win him?

First, I'll learn his tactics and movements

I'll jump into fighting right away

I'll find the soft spot, come closer and will hit to kiil

I'll disarm him from afar and then come closer and finish

If there's something about your character that troubles you, this is...



Excessive kindness


What can make love stronger?


Flirting and dancing


Respect for each other


Secutor or "pursuer" is a heavy-armed fighter, who was firstly mentioned in the sources about 50 century A.D. His protective armour included the closed helmet without a peak and brims, the vambrace made of a soft print fabric on the right arm and the shortcut greave on the left leg. The large shield and other arming helped a secutor not to be afraid of attacks but at the same time they confined the fighter with its heaviness and hindered his movements. To strike his opponent with a gladius, a secutor had to come to grips with him. Tell your friends about your result. Which was their role in Ancient Rome?


Hoplomachus is a Greek title for a heavy-armed fighter. A Hoplomachus fought in heavy armour, including a brimmed helmet with a high crest, an arm guard made of bronze or quilted fabric on the right arm, long bronze shin-guards, and loincloths made of soft fabric. When fighting, a Hoplomachus hid behind a small bronze shield of a round shape and tried to strike his opponent with a spear. Probably, he also had a sword or a gladius as a secondary weapon. Tell your friends about your result. Which was their role in Ancient Rome?


Provocators (challengers) were mentioned in the late Republican era. They are the heavily-armed type of gladiator, whose armature mirrored secutor's. The Provocator wore a large, rectangular shaped shield, a helmet without crest, first open, later completely closed, a metal or soft manica on the lower right arm and a shortcut bronze greave on the left leg. The characteristic of his armour is a small breastplate, which is usually rectangular, later often crescent-shaped. A short straight sword was provocator's weapon. They were paired only against other provocatores. Tell your friends about your result. Which was their role in Ancient Rome?


Retiarii first appeared on the arena in early I century A.D. They represent the type of light-armed fighter, whose appearance resembled a fisherman. A Retiarius wore a tunica or a loincloth, his left shoulder was covered with a bronze gardbrace, the left arm - with an arm guard made of a print fabric. Retiarii didn't wear other body armour and fought without a helmet. He carried a trident and a net. When fighting, they tried to cast the net on the opponent to strike him with the trident or a gladius, which was in the left arm. Tell your friends about your result. Which was their role in Ancient Rome?

Let's get straight to the point - choose your weapon:
1 / 10
If your weapon fails, what will you use to win?
2 / 10
Now let's decide on protection. Which shield will you choose?
3 / 10
To make the protection complete you need a helmet. Make your choice
4 / 10
How do you behave in a fight?
5 / 10
How do you look when fighting?
6 / 10
How can you describe your courage?
7 / 10
If you face the enemy, how will you win him?
8 / 10
If there's something about your character that troubles you, this is...
9 / 10
What can make love stronger?
10 / 10

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