Do You Have Food Allergy or Food Intolerance? Take The Quiz

Do You Have Food Allergy or Food Intolerance? Take The Quiz
Do you feel bad? You may be suffering from a bellyache, sickness, and other symptoms. However, there can be many reasons for this condition including food poisoning! Take this quiz to figure out the diagnosis!

Do you know about the high rate of food intolerance in your family?

Yes, my immediate family members have intolerance

Immediate family members have symptoms but the diagnosis is not confirmed

None of the relatives has this reaction

Do you have chronic diseases of the intestinal system?

Yes, I visit a specialist

There is a suspected case, but the diagnosis is not confirmed

There are chronic diseases

Did you notice a deterioration of your condition after eating some products?

Yes, it happens again and again

It happens but not often

No, it doesn't happen

Do you have a bellyache, belch, heartburn, bloating, abdominal swelling, skin flaking and itching?

Yes, more than 3 symptoms

Sometimes one symptom appears

No, there were no such symptoms

Do you suffer pain after a meal in the area around the navel, in the right or left part of the stomach?

Yes, regular pains

Yes, but not often

No, there is no pain

How often do you suffer from constipation or diarrhea?

Do you have heartburn?

Yes, almost every day

Not oftener than 1-2 times a week


Do you have abdominal swelling after having a meal?

Yes, about one time a week

Yes, about one time a month


How often do you suffer from bloating?

Did you notice a deterioration of skin state?

Yes, there's flaking, irritation, itching

Sometimes there's dryness and sloughing of skin, but the symptoms pass by themselves

My skin is fine

Do you think that this deterioration is caused by your diet?

Yes, indeed

Probably, but I don't know the exact product

No, hardly

A high probability of food intolerance

Probably, you are intolerable of some food product. It can be lactose, gluten or, for example, bean - there are many options. We recommend screening and looking after your diet and reactions to products. Keeping a diet diary suits this purpose well. And if the symptoms bother you, we recommend visiting a specialist.

An average probability of food intolerance

Probably, you have prerequisites for intolerance to some food product. It can be lactose, gluten or, for example, bean - there are many options. We recommend screening and looking after your diet and reactions to products. Keeping a diet diary suits this purpose well. And if the symptoms bother you, we recommend visiting a specialist.

A low probability of food intolerance

Probably, you have no intolerance to some food product. If you have symptoms related to food intolerance, they are likely associated with stress or exhaustion. If you want to look after your health more closely, we recommend keeping a diet diary.

Do you know about the high rate of food intolerance in your family?
1 / 11
Do you have chronic diseases of the intestinal system?
2 / 11
Did you notice a deterioration of your condition after eating some products?
3 / 11
Do you have a bellyache, belch, heartburn, bloating, abdominal swelling, skin flaking and itching?
4 / 11
Do you suffer pain after a meal in the area around the navel, in the right or left part of the stomach?
5 / 11
How often do you suffer from constipation or diarrhea?
6 / 11
Do you have heartburn?
7 / 11
Do you have abdominal swelling after having a meal?
8 / 11
How often do you suffer from bloating?
9 / 11
Did you notice a deterioration of skin state?
10 / 11
Do you think that this deterioration is caused by your diet?
11 / 11

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