Glory to Arstotzka! Test Your Knowledge of Papers, Please with Our Ultimate Quiz and See If You Have What It Takes to Be a Border Inspector!

Glory to Arstotzka! Test Your Knowledge of Papers, Please with Our Ultimate Quiz and See If You Have What It Takes to Be a Border Inspector!

Welcome to the Papers, Please Quiz, where you can test your knowledge about one of the most unique and thought-provoking indie video games of all time. Papers, Please is a game that has been praised for its innovative gameplay mechanics, its stark and minimalist visuals, and its gripping storytelling. The game puts you in the role of a border control officer for a fictional communist state called Arstotzka. As the player, you will need to inspect and process the documents of people trying to cross the border, making tough decisions that will impact the lives of those seeking entry into the country. With its emphasis on moral dilemmas and political commentary, Papers, Please is a game that challenges players to confront complex ethical questions and to consider the human cost of political systems. So, if you think you have what it takes to navigate the political waters of Arstotzka, take this quiz and put your skills to the test!

What is the main goal of the game Papers, Please?

To reunite the protagonist's family

To uncover a government conspiracy

To earn enough money to escape the country

To enforce immigration laws and protect the country's borders

What is the penalty for letting an unauthorized immigrant into the country in Papers, Please?

A warning

A fine



What is the name of the organization that the player character can join in Papers, Please?

The Resistance

The Order


The Brotherhood

What is the name of the newspaper that appears in Papers, Please?

The Daily Bugle

The Truth

The People's Voice

The Arstotzkan Times

How many endings are there in Papers, Please?





What is the name of the protagonist's wife in Papers, Please?





What is the penalty for denying a legitimate immigrant entry into the country in Papers, Please?

A warning

A fine



What is the penalty for making a mistake on an entry visa in Papers, Please?

A warning

A fine



What is the name of the inspector in charge of the player character in Papers, Please?





What is the penalty for allowing a terrorist into the country in Papers, Please?

A warning

A fine



What is the name of the checkpoint where the player character works in Papers, Please?

East Grestin

West Grestin

North Grestin

South Grestin

Very impressive!

Congratulations on your exceptional score in the Papers, Please quiz! Your knowledge of this unique and thought-provoking simulation game is truly outstanding, and it's clear that you've become a skilled and conscientious border inspector in the game's fictional totalitarian country of Arstotzka. Your ability to check and verify different documents, make difficult moral and ethical choices, and deal with unexpected events and visitors is truly impressive, and your understanding of the game's mechanics, story, and political commentary is remarkable. Keep up the great work as you continue to balance your duties and your personal values, uncover the different endings and plot twists, and experience the immersive and unforgettable gaming universe of Papers, Please!    

There is still room for improvement!

 It's okay if you didn't do as well as you hoped on this quiz. It's important to remember that everyone has room for improvement and it's a great opportunity to learn something new. Take some time to study the material and try again. With practice and dedication, you'll be able to do better next time. Don't give up!

What is the main goal of the game Papers, Please?
1 / 11
What is the penalty for letting an unauthorized immigrant into the country in Papers, Please?
2 / 11
What is the name of the organization that the player character can join in Papers, Please?
3 / 11
What is the name of the newspaper that appears in Papers, Please?
4 / 11
How many endings are there in Papers, Please?
5 / 11
What is the name of the protagonist's wife in Papers, Please?
6 / 11
What is the penalty for denying a legitimate immigrant entry into the country in Papers, Please?
7 / 11
What is the penalty for making a mistake on an entry visa in Papers, Please?
8 / 11
What is the name of the inspector in charge of the player character in Papers, Please?
9 / 11
What is the penalty for allowing a terrorist into the country in Papers, Please?
10 / 11
What is the name of the checkpoint where the player character works in Papers, Please?
11 / 11

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