Discover Your State of Mind: Take the Psychological Self-Test!

Lada Khramova
Discover Your State of Mind: Take the Psychological Self-Test!
Do you find it hard to deal with your feelings and emotions? Does your mood change several times a day making it hard to understand how you actually feel? This test will help you learn more about yourself, hear your inner voice, and define your current state of mind!

You need to make an important decision that will influence your future. What will help you more?

Well, I dunno. Why I should make decision? It would hardly influence my future

Oh, I'll have a "me day" to think it over

Ask my friends or family for advice. They might help

How often do you find yourself in a good mood?

Do you sometimes experience emotional overwhelm, when it's hard to deal with feelings?

Yes, I go through a wide range of emotions quite often - from happiness to apathy

No, I try to control my emotions

Negative emotions might come over me from time to time. They are hard to control

You are tired after a hard working day. Where do you prefer to spend your free time?

Surrounded by close friends

In front of telly

Will be staying at home enjoying peace

Let's imagine that you strongly dislike one of your teammates. How would you act around him?

I'll try to avoid any contact with him

I won't be discussing personal stuff with him, but I can handle working together

I won't be running away from the problem and will have an honest talk with him

If you have to spend one month on a desert island without human interaction, how would you feel?

What's your biggest fear?

To lose control over my life

To take way too much responsibility and fail

To always stay stuck and never grow

Do you believe in ideal relationships between people?

I stopped believing that long time ago

They might be possible, with a bit of luck

I do! I'm working hard on them myself

If someone makes an unpleasant joke about your character, what would you do?

I'd be mad at this person!

I would laugh with others

I'd be offended but wouldn't answer

What do you think when looking in the mirror?

Your state of mind is stable

Your mental health and state of mind are out of concern. You know precisely what you want and reach your goal despite the opinion of other people. Complicated life's challenges might unsettle you, but you are the type to pull yourself together and to continue doing what you like. You follow your instincts and they never fail you! Congrats, that's a great result! Share it with your friends!

Your state of mind is gloomy

Your mental health and state of mind aren't very stable. You don't always realize what you want in life and how to achieve it. You think everything seems to be going against you and you're quite tired of it. However, you have an inner strength that never lets you give in and stop fighting. You just need to listen to your inner voice more often! What result will your friends get? Share this test with them to find out!

Your state of mind is unstable

Your mental health and state of mind aren't very stable. You might feel a flow of energy but it's quickly replaced by apathy and reluctance. You aren't affected by people's opinions, but there are some people you're unable to cope with. However, you have an inner strength that never lets you give in and stop fighting. You just need to listen to your inner voice more often! What result will your friends get? Share this test with them to find out!

You need to make an important decision that will influence your future. What will help you more?
1 / 10
How often do you find yourself in a good mood?
2 / 10
Do you sometimes experience emotional overwhelm, when it's hard to deal with feelings?
3 / 10
You are tired after a hard working day. Where do you prefer to spend your free time?
4 / 10
Let's imagine that you strongly dislike one of your teammates. How would you act around him?
5 / 10
If you have to spend one month on a desert island without human interaction, how would you feel?
6 / 10
What's your biggest fear?
7 / 10
Do you believe in ideal relationships between people?
8 / 10
If someone makes an unpleasant joke about your character, what would you do?
9 / 10
What do you think when looking in the mirror?
10 / 10

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