Guess Which Animal is Faster

Guess Which Animal is Faster
There are champions in the world of animals too, including high-speed ones. Some of them can move up to 87mph! Don't believe it? Take this quiz to find out more!

Which one is the fastest?

The average size of the most widespread hare - European hare - is 25,5'' at the withers and weight reaches 13-15 lb. The length of life in captivity 5-7 years. The hares are characterized by relatively high speed since it's the strategy of their survival. The European hare's peak speed is 44 mph (19,5 m/s). The average running speed is - 30 mph.



Grey fox


The champion from this list is…

Painted Hunting Dog or African Hunting Dog is a predatory mammal living only in Africa especially in steppes, savannas, and wood areas. It's also called African Hunting Dog, spotted dog and field dog. The animal's body length is about 1 m, height at the withers - up to 31''. Painted Hunting Dog оhas great speed characteristics - it is able to accelerate and keep speed for long distances up to 31-34 mph. The maximum hyena speed is about 45 mph.


African elephant

Virginia deer

African hunting dog

Which one is the fastest?

Prong-horned antelope is the most ancient representative of hoofed mammals, the native land of which is North America. The ability to accelerate up to 53 mph allows the animal to save its life escaping the predator chasing it. By speed, antelope gives way only to cheetah but the former exceeds the latter by the time of preserving the rapid pace of movement.

Brown bear

Prong-horned antelope

Thomson's gazelle


What animal do youthink the fastest?

Coyote also named brush wolf or American jackal mainly inhabits North and Central America. By size, the coyote is smaller than the average wolf. Nonetheless, coyotes are good runners and are able to reach the maximum speed to 43 mph.

Feral donkey




Let's witch to the inhabitants of sea. Who does win?

White shark is a dangerous predator, the length of which can exceed 12 m. The teeth are placed in a few rows (3-5), besides, they're regularly renewed. The average number of teeth is 300. Their length is over 2''. The body streamlined shape contributes to achieving the speed to 25 mph.

Great white shark

Humpback whale

Killer whale

Blue whale

Choose the record breaker

Octopus vulgaris is a near-bottom animal living at a great depth. 8 tentacles connected with a membrane come from the body. An adult octopus has about 2000 sucker cups, each of which holds weight over 220 lb. The octopus has 3 hearts - the main provides circulation of blood and the rest two - push the blood through gills. Due to the absence of bones, the animal easily changes its body shape using the ability for disguising or hunting. The octopus' speed reaches 25 mph.

Sea lion

Antarctic penguin


American eel

And what about flying animals? Which does shoot ahead?

Greater frigatebird is a beautiful tropic bird living on the islands in the area od Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans. The bird is aggressive toward its fellows and boldly picks their food. The Englishmen called this bird a soldier bird, which accelerates to 93 mph and can catch a living fish on the fly. The Polynesia locals use it to send messages and letters.


Greater frigatebird


Wild duck

Which of these birds is the fastest one?

The bird's flight is soaring with rare wing beats. The predator's speed reaches 20-38 mph, and when it notices its prey, the eagle sweeps down at a speed of 120 mph. The bird lives about 25, 30 years at most in the wild. When it's hot it drinks a lot and likes to bath. The eagle's diet consists of small birds and mammals, as well as rodents.

Spine-tailed swift

California condor

Red-tailed hawk

Gray crane

A few more questions about mammals. Who's the winner?

Zebra is an animal of average size growing to a length of to 2 m. It runs slower than horse, however, accelerates to 50 mph. When the animal is chased, it starts wagging in a zigzag way. Due to endurance, the animal often pulls through predators.





And the first place goes to...

The maximal speed a human reached is 12,42 m/s (27,78 mph). This is the peak speed of Usain Bolt, which was recorded at a fraction of 100 m distance - from 60 to 80 m.

Black mamba



Ice bear

Horse is an animal from the family of odd-hoofed mammals, the only preserved species of the wild horse. Weight, height and speed of the animal depend on its breed. The average speed any breed can achieve is 120 mph, the maximal one – over 50 mph.





What about out little brothers?

Mouse is a small, well-known rodent, which represents the numerous species of the Mus genus. At a weigh of 19 g and body length 3,5'' the animal can accelerate to 8 mph! In the wild, mice can do significant harm, destroying agricultural crops, house food products, seeds, etc.

Ice bear

Garden snail

Giant tortoise

Black mamba

Professional biologist

You're excellent at the world of animals and know its representatives well - land, water and flying ones. It's not a problem for you to determine which of them is faster as to tell in detail about their size, habitat and features. It seems you've read a lot of books before dealing with this quiz and now you can surprise your friends with your knowledge. Tell your friends about your result, let's see how they pull the quiz through!

Amateur biologist

You're good at the world of animals and know its representatives - land, water and flying ones. It's not a big problem for you to determine which of them is faster but the detailed story about their size, habitat and features puzzles you. It seems you've read a lot of many interesting things before dealing with this quiz, but you need a little more knowledge to surprise your friends. Tell your friends about your result, let's see how they pull the quiz through!

Beginner biologist

You're not very good at the world of animals and don't know its representatives yet - land, water and flying ones. It's hard for you to determine which of them is faster as well as to tell in detail about their size, habitat and features puzzles you. Perhaps, you need to read a few books and then you'll be able to surprise your friends with your knowledge. Tell your friends about your result, let's see how they pull the quiz through!

Which one is the fastest?
1 / 12
The champion from this list is…
2 / 12
Which one is the fastest?
3 / 12
What animal do youthink the fastest?
4 / 12
Let's witch to the inhabitants of sea. Who does win?
5 / 12
Choose the record breaker
6 / 12
And what about flying animals? Which does shoot ahead?
7 / 12
Which of these birds is the fastest one?
8 / 12
A few more questions about mammals. Who's the winner?
9 / 12
And the first place goes to...
10 / 12
11 / 12
What about out little brothers?
12 / 12

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