Quiz - How much willpower do you actually have?

Quiz - How much willpower do you actually have?
Willpower is rare but helps us make important decisions, get the desired results, and keep a healthy diet. Is your willpower as strong as steel, or in need of training? Take this test to find out!

You have to solve 10 math tests. The problem is that you hate math! What would you do?

If I have to do it, then I will!

I might solve 7 and say I couldn't finish

Ask someone to do the job

It's time to clean your house! Can you?

Of course, I'm already half through it!

I'll make a bit of duties,mans the rest if for tomorrow

No problem, just need to check my social media. 5 mins top!..

Alarm clock rings to wake you up. It's 7 am, time to get up. Easy for you?

I don't actually want to... But I have to

I will get up and stare at the wall pondering for 10 minutes more

Zzz, I think I can snooze it

You've made up your mind to abstain from eating sweets today. How's your progress?

Tough, but I can handle myself

Does one candy count?..

Sorry, poor memory. Can't remember my morning pledge

Doctor prescribed you a medicine for coughing. It tastes disgusting! What would you do?

It's my health! I take it seriously

Can I water it a bit?

It's just coughing, it would disappear soon

Yesterday you made a promises during arguing. Will you keep it?

Of course, it's a matter of honor!

I really hope no one remembers. If they remind me, I will

Hell no! It's was just an arguing, I was in rage

Do you have daily routine?

I do, I plan my day

I have a list of things to do during the day

No, it depends on my mood

What do think about people who don't return books to the library?

They are horrible and weak

I feel them. They're just lazy

Wait, books should be returned?

You're quite busy at the moment and see a call from a friend. What to do?

I'll call him back later

I can chat for a while

Oh, my savior! I can rest now

How fast do you reply to messages?

Iron will

Your willpower is strong, you've trained this productivity muscle well. People can rely on, because you never fail them. Nothing seems to be scary anymore; you're not afraid of work, important tasks, responsibility. Sometimes such a determination and adherence to principles might be frightening; leave a room for flexibility as well. Do your friends have enough willpower to finish this test? Share it with them to find out!

A bit, but enough

Your willpower is not bad. When you see a more simple way, you choose to cheat and do less than asked! You won't be bothering yourself, but might keep the promises you made. You won't take more responsibility than necessary. At the same time, you never avoid your duties. If you want to achieve better results in your life, you might need more training! Do your friends have enough willpower to finish this test? Share it with them to find out!

You need to train

Your willpower is at the bottom. Between an important task and an easy one, you always choose the second option. Although, you might lie down on the job as well. This might lead to problems and misunderstanding. Any request or duty seems like a punishment for you, they might even cause a physical pain. If you want to achieve better results in your life, you need to train your will! Do your friends have enough willpower to finish this test? Share it with them to find out!

You have to solve 10 math tests. The problem is that you hate math! What would you do?
1 / 10
It's time to clean your house! Can you?
2 / 10
Alarm clock rings to wake you up. It's 7 am, time to get up. Easy for you?
3 / 10
You've made up your mind to abstain from eating sweets today. How's your progress?
4 / 10
Doctor prescribed you a medicine for coughing. It tastes disgusting! What would you do?
5 / 10
Yesterday you made a promises during arguing. Will you keep it?
6 / 10
Do you have daily routine?
7 / 10
What do think about people who don't return books to the library?
8 / 10
You're quite busy at the moment and see a call from a friend. What to do?
9 / 10
How fast do you reply to messages?
10 / 10

Calculating results...

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