How Respectful Are You Towards Your Body?

How Respectful Are You Towards Your Body?

Health is so important to our happiness, determining one's life quality, psychological state, serenity of mind, and harmony with the world around them. Medical specialists have revealed that our health is 50% dependent on our lifestyle, while the rest includes the environment, genetics, and the level of health care services. How important is a healthy lifestyle to you? Choose the top behaviors that you exhibit in our quiz!

Do you spend 30 minutes a day for physical exercises?


Not always


Do you sleep the "necessary for our body 8 hours a day"?


Not always


Does your diet include enough fruits and vegetables?


Not always


Do you drink 1.5 litres of water during a day?


Not always


Do you try to get rid of your bad habits?


Not always


Do you go to bed before 22:00 p.m.?


Not always


Do you prefer a bike ride instead of watching TV?


Not always


Do you try to look at things in a positive way and see more pluses than minuses?


Not always


Do you feel yourself a happy man?


Not always


"Yes" makes the majority of your answers

Congratulations! You take care of your health and get positive feedback from it. Your lifestyle allows you to pursue goals in the most sound and quality way, regale relatives and enjoy your life!

"Not always" makes the majority of your answers

You are on the right path! Though sometimes life's circumstances interfere the wished order... The main thing here those healthy habits you have chosen to take root in your consciousness and become an integral part of your life. Hold on!

"No" makes the majority of your answers

Don't get upset! It's all up to you! And it's never late to start taking care of own health... To begin with - define some healthy habit and try to pursue it for 21 days. Remember: it takes exactly 21 days to form new neutral pathways in your brain and make the habit an integral part of your life. Afterwards you can proceed to the second useful habit. In such a way you will approach the moment when your body and soul will tell you "Thanks"!

Do you spend 30 minutes a day for physical exercises?
1 / 9
Do you sleep the "necessary for our body 8 hours a day"?
2 / 9
Does your diet include enough fruits and vegetables?
3 / 9
Do you drink 1.5 litres of water during a day?
4 / 9
Do you try to get rid of your bad habits?
5 / 9
Do you go to bed before 22:00 p.m.?
6 / 9
Do you prefer a bike ride instead of watching TV?
7 / 9
Do you try to look at things in a positive way and see more pluses than minuses?
8 / 9
Do you feel yourself a happy man?
9 / 9

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