How Well Do You Know Russian Cuisine?

How Well Do You Know Russian Cuisine?
Have you ever tried traditional Russian cuisine? We're gonna surprise you - buckwheat and pancakes aren't the only food our ancestors ate. Pass the quiz and find out what else Father Tsar had on his table. Let's go!

Let's start with meat courses. What was borrowed?

And our grandfathers cooked all the best dishes with the greatest pleasure.

Baked ham

Pozharsky cutlets


Round rissoles

What vegetable was the staple until the middle of the 19th century?

As we know, Peter I brought us potato, and before its discovery turnip had held the post of the main vegetable.





What okroshka was usually dressed with in Russia?

Kvass, of course! To mix veggies with berry frink is not the best combination. And nobody's gonna become tipsy at the table.


Fruit drink



Everyone knows that pancakes are made for Pancake Week. And on what holiday is chicken pie baked?

For Christmas rice pudding is served, for funeral feast - oat jelly or cold borsch, for Easter - Easter cakes. And chicken pie is reserved for weddings.


Funeral feast



What about sweets? Which of the following courses is a traditional one and has been cooked from the beginning of time?

Virtually, they cooked all of this. But baked fruits and berries are considered the first and the most ancient dessert.

Baked fruits and berries




And the last question for today. Which of the following is a traditional Russian dressing and main dairy product?

Sour cream, ladies and gentlemen! It was added to soups ans salads. As today. Nothing has changed :)



Sour cream


Native Russian! You can be proud of yourself!

We can suppose you're a native of Russia, but prefer foreign food. Don't you want to change priorities?

Dear, are you from here?

Let's start with meat courses. What was borrowed?
1 / 6
What vegetable was the staple until the middle of the 19th century?
2 / 6
What okroshka was usually dressed with in Russia?
3 / 6
Everyone knows that pancakes are made for Pancake Week. And on what holiday is chicken pie baked?
4 / 6
What about sweets? Which of the following courses is a traditional one and has been cooked from the beginning of time?
5 / 6
And the last question for today. Which of the following is a traditional Russian dressing and main dairy product?
6 / 6

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