Oscar Trivia: Fun facts from Academy Award History

Oscar Trivia: Fun facts from Academy Award History
The Oscars are held annually in Los Angeles, featuring prominent filmmakers, actors, directors, costume makers, and music producers. The Academy Award is considered the highest film award; therefore, competition for the golden statuette is great. Pass this test to find out if you know the history of this famous award ceremony!

How long did the first Oscars ceremony last?

The first Oscars ceremony was held in 1929 and lasted only 15 minute. The ticket cost $5.

1 hour

15 minutes

2 hours

Why was the award given in the first years?

In the beginning, the Film Academy honored the previous achievements of the film people.

For a certain movie or role

For popularity among viewers

In recognition of the film profession

Which category is the newest?

The statuette for the Animated Feature Films was given first in 2002. However, the category of the Documentary Video began in 1944 and was removed in 2003.

Best Animated Feature Films

Best Costume Design

Best Documentary Video

When can an award winner sell his statuette?

If the Academy refuses to purchase the statuette for $ 1, then the trophy holder has the right put up it for public sale at any price.

Having received the written consent from the Academy’s President

First of all, having offered it the Academy to buy for $ 1

If only he gives a part of proceeds to charity.

Which category was introduced experimentally but survived only a year?

Directors were divided into genres in the first few years. Young creators managed to participate in the prestigious award for 26 years in a row but the musicals were as a separate category only in 1984

Best Drama Director

Best Musical

Youth Academy Award

What period of creativity did the Academy include in the early years of the award?

The first award in 1929 was awarded for achievements in the last two years - 1927 and 1928.


Whole career

2 years

What condition is not necessary for a film nominated for any category?

The film should be released in Los Angeles in last calendar year, played in the cinema for more than 7 days and last more than 40 minutes. These conditions do not apply to short-length films and films in foreign languages.

  The film should be released in Los Angeles cinemas.

The film should have success among viewers

The film should last more than 40 minutes.

What is the highest number of Oscars awards received by one single person?

Walt Disney received 22 Oscar statuettes and 4 special film awards during his life!




What does the "Big Five" mean at the Oscars?

Big Five is the nomination for the Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress, and Best Screenplay. Only three films have won all five of these major awards.

Five winners of the highest number of awards

Five best films of the year

Five main nominations

How many Academy members will decide the nominees' fate in 2019?

Last year, the number of Academy members exceeded 8,000 people!




You do not really understand the history of the film awards

But it does not mean that you should not watch it! Stock up on popcorn and experience for your favorite movies, turn on the broadcast and enjoy!

You know the history of the film awards well!

Great! If for the next ceremony, watch films that you have not watched, and let fortune smile upon your favorites:)

You know the history of the Oscar Awards perfectly!

You are a real film fan, and you are very worried about every premium season! Who will be the winner this year? Probably, you have already made a bet, and you hope that you are wrong in the depths of your heart, if your favorites are not winning yet, is it right? :) No matter, you know that even the nomination is already a big deal, and even DiCaprio received a statuette!

How long did the first Oscars ceremony last?
1 / 10
Why was the award given in the first years?
2 / 10
Which category is the newest?
3 / 10
When can an award winner sell his statuette?
4 / 10
Which category was introduced experimentally but survived only a year?
5 / 10
What period of creativity did the Academy include in the early years of the award?
6 / 10
What condition is not necessary for a film nominated for any category?
7 / 10
What is the highest number of Oscars awards received by one single person?
8 / 10
What does the "Big Five" mean at the Oscars?
9 / 10
How many Academy members will decide the nominees' fate in 2019?
10 / 10

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