Is My Child Autistic? Take the Autism Spectrum Disorder Symptoms Test

Is My Child Autistic? Take the Autism Spectrum Disorder Symptoms Test

Childhood autism is a developmental disorder. This is a severe disturbance of mental development rather than a disease. A child with autism spectrum disorder needs special attention from doctors, pedagogues, psychologists, and their parents. Find out the symptoms here.

You childr reacts to the words no and stop.



Does she/he use statements from 6 and more word if her/his speech?



If you point your finger at something at the other end of the room, your kid looks at it.



Does your kid have adequate communicative skills for his/her age?



Did you ever suppose that your kid is deaf?



Does your child play imaginary or role games?



Your child points his/her finger to draw attention to something interesting



When you smile to your child, does he/she smile back?



Your child looks into your eyes when you talk to him/her, dress or play with him/her.



Does the child try to imitate what you do?



Your child is not in danger of being autistic

Your child likes big companies and prefers to spend time with other people. He/she can't be blamed for asociality and offishness, he/she's always willingly collaborating. There's no risk for autism. Share this test on social media - let's see how your friends pull it through.

Your kid has some symptoms of autism

A certain number of autistic features are typical of your kid's character. He/she doesn't always understand other people and has some problems dealing with social situations. The external world sometimes seems to him/her dangerous. Probably, you should take more detailed testing and consult with a specialist. Share this test on social media - let's see how your friends pull it through.

You childr reacts to the words no and stop.
1 / 10
Does she/he use statements from 6 and more word if her/his speech?
2 / 10
If you point your finger at something at the other end of the room, your kid looks at it.
3 / 10
Does your kid have adequate communicative skills for his/her age?
4 / 10
Did you ever suppose that your kid is deaf?
5 / 10
Does your child play imaginary or role games?
6 / 10
Your child points his/her finger to draw attention to something interesting
7 / 10
When you smile to your child, does he/she smile back?
8 / 10
Your child looks into your eyes when you talk to him/her, dress or play with him/her.
9 / 10
Does the child try to imitate what you do?
10 / 10

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