Is My Dog Depressed? Take the Quiz to Assess Your Dog's Mental Health

Is My Dog Depressed? Take the Quiz to Assess Your Dog's Mental Health

Alright, all you dog parents out there, it's time to get to the bottom of your pup's mood! We all know our furry friends can't exactly tell us when they're feeling down in the dumps, so it's up to us to play pet detective and figure out if Fido is dealing with a case of the doggy blues.

In this super helpful quiz, we're going to ask you a series of questions about your dog's behavior, their energy levels, and their overall demeanor. Do they seem less interested in their favorite activities? Are they sleeping more than usual or acting lethargic? Or maybe they're just not as excited about their daily walks and playtime as they used to be. Whatever signs you're noticing, this quiz is about to help you determine if your pup is truly suffering from depression or if they're just going through a temporary funk.

Ready to get to the bottom of your dog's emotional state? Click the button below to take the quiz and learn how you can help your four-legged friend feel happy and healthy again!

Does your pet have a good appetite?

Yes, everything's fine

Doesn't eat at all

Eats less than usual

Do you play with the dog the games it likes the most?

I'd be happy to but I can't make him/her play

I offer but she/he is less active than usual

Not very often but it's rather my fault

Does your dog demonstrate aggression?

Does your pet have favorite places in the house?

Of course, a few

Yes, she/he spends time in her/his nook and doesn't move

Yes, she/he spends most of the time there

How does your dog react to strangers?

He/she is very aggressive or is scared a lot

Doesn't trust them

It depends - calmly, as a rule

Does your pet have friends in your neighborhood?

Yes, they often hang out

Yes, but they rarely hang out

My dog passes them by

How do you think, what your pet's bad mood can be associated with?

Maybe, a change in the weather

I spend not enough time with the dog

Lack of physical activity

How long have you been living with the dog?

About a month, we've gotten him/her lately

A few months for sure

A good while ago

How long does your dog's bad mood last?

1-2 weeks

About a month

More than a month

How does your dog sleep?

Everything's fine

A broken sleep, she/he wakes up all the time

Yes, this is depression

Yes, your dog feels really sad. Depression is a serious ailment. The animal's psychic state is directly related to its health, that's why the disorder can lead the dog's organism to the serious weakening of the immune system. As a result, it will cause the aggravation of chronic diseases, most often allergy. That's why having noticed the symptoms of depression, you shouldn't rush the diagnosis and it's better to show a vet the dog to avoid mistakes. Share this quiz with your friends. One needs to know about the pet's health as much as possible!

On the verge of depression

Yes, your dog feels really sad. Depression is a serious ailment. The animal's psychic state is directly related to its health. It's still early to talk about the disorder, but some symptoms do trouble your pet. That's why, if the bad mood persists, it's better to show a vet the dog to avoid the aggravation. Share this quiz with your friends. One needs to know about the pet's health as much as possible!

Your dog is healthy

Probably, you've noticed some symptoms of depression or a dog's low mood, but depression is a serious disorder you shouldn't talk about in your case. Most probably, this relates to the change of scene or lack of walks. It's very easy to get rid of these problems, you just need to listen to your four-footed friend. Share this quiz with your friends. One needs to know about the pet's health as much as possible!

Does your pet have a good appetite?
1 / 10
Do you play with the dog the games it likes the most?
2 / 10
Does your dog demonstrate aggression?
3 / 10
Does your pet have favorite places in the house?
4 / 10
How does your dog react to strangers?
5 / 10
Does your pet have friends in your neighborhood?
6 / 10
How do you think, what your pet's bad mood can be associated with?
7 / 10
How long have you been living with the dog?
8 / 10
How long does your dog's bad mood last?
9 / 10
How does your dog sleep?
10 / 10

Calculating results...

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