Is Your Husband Cheating? Take the Quiz to Find Out!

Lada Khramova
Is Your Husband Cheating? Take the Quiz to Find Out!
A happy family is based on trust, but women sometimes suspect their partners of cheating. This quiz will help you solve the problem without all of the conflicts. Answer these questions as honestly as possible to determine if you have any reason to be worried.

Has he ever spent a night somewhere else (not at home)?

Yes, it happens

Yes, and I knew his location precisely (at friends or relatives)

No, never!

What do you think about his friends?

How often do you quarrel?

What do you do during your mutual days off?

Spend time together

Everyone is on his own

I have no idea what he's doing

What if you decide to call him in the middle of working day/meeting with friends?

He would be happy to hear from me

He's annoyed sometimes, but always answers all important questions

He's not picking up for a long time and finishes conversation fast

Do you think he's having an affair?

How does he react when you want to discuss your relationship?

He is mad

He answers, but reluctantly

He is very sweet, always tries to support me

Can your husband share his concerns with you or tell about his problems?

He surely can! Our relationship is full of commitment

Only if I ask myself

No, he doesn't want to whine and grumble

Imagine the situation: you decided to go to a place he had longed to visit. Suddenly you have to cancel the plans because of work. What would his reaction be?

He would be silent and resentful

He would go alone, why he needs a company?

He would be disappointed with the news, but remain calm

Oh, I can't even tell how often he cancels our dates!

You have reasons to be suspicious

We can't that tell for sure, but seems like your suspicions have a basis. You often try to make excuses for your partner, turn a blind eye to important things. Seeing a real image of what's going on is hard for you. He is not home, relationship has gone cold, conflicts, tense atmosphere at home - these are the indicators that your family life is in danger. Perhaps, your friends have doubts too? Share this test with them!

You should work on your relationship

There's no cheating here, but seems like your relationship is having hard times. Relationship has gone cold, conflicts, tense atmosphere at home, constant fatigue - these are the indicators that your family is in danger. It's still possible to change the situation if working on building happiness in your family together! Perhaps, your friends have doubts too? Share this test with them!

Domestic bliss

Your family should be placed on magazines and newspapers covers as it serves a true example of love and commitment. There's nothing to worry about, you can be confident in your partner's feelings. We can only wish you to stay in this domestic bliss as long as possible! Perhaps, your friends have doubts too? Share this test with them!

Has he ever spent a night somewhere else (not at home)?
1 / 10
What do you think about his friends?
2 / 10
How often do you quarrel?
3 / 10
What do you do during your mutual days off?
4 / 10
What if you decide to call him in the middle of working day/meeting with friends?
5 / 10
Do you think he's having an affair?
6 / 10
How does he react when you want to discuss your relationship?
7 / 10
Can your husband share his concerns with you or tell about his problems?
8 / 10
Imagine the situation: you decided to go to a place he had longed to visit. Suddenly you have to cancel the plans because of work. What would his reaction be?
9 / 10
Oh, I can't even tell how often he cancels our dates!
10 / 10

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