What Kind of Thinker Are You? The Quiz Will Find Out!

What Kind of Thinker Are You? The Quiz Will Find Out!
The human brain has a complex construction. It seems to be hard to determine the way it influences us, however, if you can identify your style of thinking, you will be able to understand why you are making certain decisions. Out test can help you with that! Answer our questions to learn more about yourself!

Can you deceive someone for your own benefit?

No. I value honesty way too much

Only if no one would know about it

Perhaps. I need to evaluate my risks and benefits first

What do you think about your co-workers?

They are intelligent and responsible people

I have a low opinion of them

I can’t generalize, they are very different

How are you usually getting ready for a first date?

Plan an ideal date: where to go, what to order, what to say

I plan nothing and prefer to go with a flow

I’m thinking of the things we might do

What if the date goes wrong / not the way you’ve expected?

I will be extremely sad. It was all perfectly planned in my dreams

I try not to expect anything, so I won’t be disappointed later

I easily change the plan and think of other options

Which work would you prefer to do?

Perform the assignments properly

Assign tasks myself

Check the tasks

What does irritate you the most?

When I’m not taken seriously

When people try to evoke sympathy in me, convince me

When I’m surrounded by routine

When you finish the task you’ve put lots of efforts to, do you easily start a new one?

No. I feel devastation as if something important was taken away from me

Yes. I start it fast

I take another task as soon as I recover my strength

How fast are you getting attached to people?

Are you ready to invest in a risky project?

Yes, if I like the idea

No, never. I need assurance and real income

Perhaps. I need to make a comparative analysis first

What do you think about criticism and advice?

Idealistic thinking

This kind of thinking is typical for people with high moral standards and bright spiritual values. You have a tendency to idealize the world around you, to see only positive sides of it. As a result, you are bitterly disappointed when your expectations don’t meet the reality. The world you live in is full of fantasies and illusions that inspire you but, at the same time, pull you away from reality. What about your friends? Share this test to find out!

Rational thinking

This kind of thinking is typical for people who don’t have illusions about the world around them. You are adequately react to criticism and ready to listen to the people and admit they are right, if necessary. Rationalists are very practical, rarely attached to any activity of object, and are never driven by feelings and emotions. What about your friends? Share this test to find out!

Synthetic thinking

This kind of thinking is typical for people who try to unite the pieces of information into a whole in a most productive way. They prefer to look at the situation from aside. In addition to that, you are very cautious about expressing yourself and can rarely be driven by emotions. You don’t like monotonous work, usually perform such tasks without necessary efforts, demanding diversity and novelty. What about your friends? Share this test to find out!

Can you deceive someone for your own benefit?
1 / 10
What do you think about your co-workers?
2 / 10
How are you usually getting ready for a first date?
3 / 10
What if the date goes wrong / not the way you’ve expected?
4 / 10
Which work would you prefer to do?
5 / 10
What does irritate you the most?
6 / 10
When you finish the task you’ve put lots of efforts to, do you easily start a new one?
7 / 10
How fast are you getting attached to people?
8 / 10
Are you ready to invest in a risky project?
9 / 10
What do you think about criticism and advice?
10 / 10

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