What Salary Do You Really Deserve? The Quiz Will Find Out!

What Salary Do You Really Deserve? The Quiz Will Find Out!
Every person chooses a job according to several factors, and salary plays a significant role in the choice as well. Its amount depends on your proficiency and experience, the company you work for, and many other aspects. This test will tell you how much you deserve!

Let’s start with simple question: do you like your job?

What do you do if you can’t deal with a task?

I’ll make the efforts to solve the problem myself

I ask a more experienced co-worker to help

I ask someone to do it for me

Are you interested in professional development?

Yes. It’s a great opportunity to learn more!

It’s great, but I rarely have time for that

Development? It’s a waste of time

Are you ready to stay late at the office to finish an Important task?

I’ll be working until I finish

I might stay, but not for long

No way! I have more important things to do

Do your co-workers seek your help?

Yes. And I always help

Yes but rarely

No. My co-workers have more experience that I do

What do you usually do at the meetings?

I listen to other people, memorize the information. Then, I propose different ideas

I don’t propose anything but participate in discussion

I’ll hide behind my neighbor back

If a task has a deadline, will you finish on time?

I’ll do everything possible

I might finish a bit later

No one will ever notice the results of my work. So I don’t care about deadlines

What are your relationships with a boss?

They are great. My boss likes me

They are normal. I don’t actually communicate with my boss

I still didn’t learn his name

In your opinion, are you a valuable worker?

How often do you make serious mistakes?

Rarely. If I do, I immediately correct them

I don’t remember the last time when I made a mistake

Of course. I’m just a human, after all

Higher than the mountains

You deserve the highest amount of salary, because of your knowledge and experience. No need to be shy when discussing the salary; you are in high demand and have a great experience, and you know that. If you think that you’re not paid an amount of money you deserve at the moment, maybe it’s time to change something in your life! What about your friends? Share the link to find out!

An average salary

You deserve a good salary, because of your knowledge and experience. However, good doesn’t mean the best. You are capable of dealing with all the tasks and duties at work, reliable and professional worker. Sometimes you lack initiative and bravery to get more. Keep learning and developing your skills, and you will be able to earn more. What about your friends? Share this test to find out!

A minimum wage

According to your answers, your knowledge and experience don’t allow you to get a good salary. You either don’t know much about your job, or you are incapable to objectively evaluate your experience and prefer to be modest. If you are able to deal with all the tasks and duties, you still don’t have enough proficiency to earn more. Keep learning and developing your skills, and you will be able to earn more! What about your friends? Share this test to find out!

Let’s start with simple question: do you like your job?
1 / 10
What do you do if you can’t deal with a task?
2 / 10
Are you interested in professional development?
3 / 10
Are you ready to stay late at the office to finish an Important task?
4 / 10
Do your co-workers seek your help?
5 / 10
What do you usually do at the meetings?
6 / 10
If a task has a deadline, will you finish on time?
7 / 10
What are your relationships with a boss?
8 / 10
In your opinion, are you a valuable worker?
9 / 10
How often do you make serious mistakes?
10 / 10

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