Which Hogwarts Professor Would You Be?

Which Hogwarts Professor Would You Be?
Harry Potter might have been the most famous wizard of his time, but he wouldn't be able to develop that strength without his teachers. Hogwarts is full of different professors, each of them with their specialties. Let’s find out who matches you the best!

You’re starting your teaching career. How would you gain an authority among students?

I should be strict and tough

I should show them what justice and rules are

My charm is enough

I just show them that I’m their friend

What will you do when you see a student misbehaving in a hall?

I’ll punch him and take the hooligan to the headmaster

I’ll sternly look at him and give a detention

I’m a teacher, not a guard. It’s not my business

We’ll have a nice chat about his behavior, and I don’t tell anyone about this incident

The promising student suddenly came without his homework done. What will you do?

I ‘ll close my eyes to this fact. He’s my favorite

I’ll severely scorn him and punish

Oh well, it is his choice

I’ll ask him to stay after classes to talk. He might be having problems at home

Which color do you like the most?





By the way, why were hired as a professor?

I’m a famous and talented wizard with prospects

I have pure blood. That’s enough

I know a lot

Well… I’m good at dealing with kids

Do you like Quidditch?

It’s a stupid game for stupid children

It’s a great game if you know when to stop

Why everyone is looking at the ball, not at me?

I adore Quidditch! The biggest fan!

How much do you like communicating with students?

What are you doing when you’re not teaching?

I punish those students who did something wrong

I’ll make lesson plan

Anything but school!

I help laggards to catch up

Which spell do you want to try the most?

Quietus. Let everyone be silent!

Sonorus. I want my voice to be heard

Piertotum Locomotor. I have to bring a statue to life, so it can protect me

Ducklifors. I want to turn an object into a rubber duck!

How will describe yourself in your CV?

I won’t. My pure blood will help me to get any work without CV

I have a huge experience in magic. I know tons of spells

Don’t you see that I’m the best for the job?

I’m a good friend and I love animals. Heh

Severus Snape

Severus Snape is a strict and authoritative professor. However, at the end of the story he reveals his another side. He’s constantly insulting weak students, making lives of Harry, Ron and Hermione more complicated, and has favorite students from Slytherin house. Yet, he is confident in his actions and decisive. What will your friends teach at Hogwarts? Let’s find out! Share this test with them!

Minerva McGonagall

All first-year students are afraid of professor McGonagall because of her stern behavior and love for discipline. However, the sweet side of her character is gradually revealed. Yes, Minerva can be very strict, but she is always just, protects the students and has an enormous authority among them. What will your friends teach at Hogwarts? Let’s find out! Share this test with them!

Gilderoy Lockhart

Gilderoy Lockhart is self-confident, handsome and charming. However, teaching is not his cup of tea. He prefers to rely on his students during difficult situations and gives them the opportunity to make things right. Sometimes, he shows his egoistic and harsh nature. What will your friends teach at Hogwarts? Let’s find out! Share this with them!

Rubeus Hagrid

Kind-hearted and open-minded Hagrid immediately becomes a friend of Harry, Ron and Hermione. However, his lessons are far from being ideal and professional. Students like him for his kindness and friendliness, not for knowledge. He is ready to do anything to help the students, even in the most difficult situations. What will your friends teach at Hogwarts? Let’s find out! Share this test with them!

You’re starting your teaching career. How would you gain an authority among students?
1 / 10
What will you do when you see a student misbehaving in a hall?
2 / 10
The promising student suddenly came without his homework done. What will you do?
3 / 10
Which color do you like the most?
4 / 10
By the way, why were hired as a professor?
5 / 10
Do you like Quidditch?
6 / 10
How much do you like communicating with students?
7 / 10
What are you doing when you’re not teaching?
8 / 10
Which spell do you want to try the most?
9 / 10
How will describe yourself in your CV?
10 / 10

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