Do You Have a Male or Female Brain? Mental Gender Quiz

Do You Have a Male or Female Brain? Mental Gender Quiz
Men and women are thought to have different character traits, though every person carries a mix of both. One might be more prevalent than another due to upbringing, social circles, and identity. This test can help determine which behavior is typical for you!

Your co-workers disagree with you on work-related matters. What would you do?

I have to acquiesce. They outnumber

I'll defend my opinion until the end

If I feel that I'm right, I will try to prove it. If not, I acquiesce

How do you like the idea of becoming the leader and be responsible for the whole team?

Would risk doing something if a bunch of money is at stake?

Yes, I often take risks

No, I don't like to risk

I need to evaluate my chances first

Are you credulous?

Do you prefer working in a team or alone?

Alone. I don't want to be dependent on others

In a team. It helps to get better results

Depends on the task and the members of the team

Are you able to relax?

Yes, I forget all the troubles fast and find my Zen

No, I'm constantly strung up

Yes, but I can't relax when stress is huge

What are ready to do to achieve your goals?

Work hard

Anything. I'll leave no stone unturned if necessary

A lot. As long as it doesn't harm others

Will you help a person who is in need?

Of course! I'm very sympathetic

I doubt that. I've got a lot on my plate

I will as long as this help isn't a burden

Are you capable of making important decisions fast?

If the decision is important, I prefer to think about it

Yes, there's no time for hesitations

Oh no, the burden of choice makes me feel lost

Are you easily losing your temper?

No, it's hard to make me mad

Yes, I get mad in the blink of an eye

No, but I don't advice anyone to provoke me


You have plenty of traits associated with women. You belong to feminine personality type. Such characteristics as compliance, shyness, loyalty and empathy allow you to feel confident in the situations that require calm and thoughtful way of thinking. Perhaps, you feel lack of masculine traits, but your flexibility and gentleness are enough to make you confident in your success! What traits are typical for your friends? Share this test to find out!


You have plenty of traits associated with men. You belong to masculine personality type. Such characteristics as confidence, independence, assertiveness and inner strength allow you to feel confident in the situations that require active and determined way of thinking. Perhaps, you feel lack of feminine traits, but your self-sustainability and ambitions are enough to make you confident in your success! What traits are typical for your friends? Share this test to find out!


You are able to balance traits associated with both men and women. You don't have a strict behavior typical for one gender. However, most people absorb these manners in their childhood due to upbringing and environment. You find it hard to follow one type of behavior and act with flexibility depending on situation. This makes you a harmonious and productive person! What traits are typical for your friends? Share this test to find out!

Your co-workers disagree with you on work-related matters. What would you do?
1 / 10
How do you like the idea of becoming the leader and be responsible for the whole team?
2 / 10
Would risk doing something if a bunch of money is at stake?
3 / 10
Are you credulous?
4 / 10
Do you prefer working in a team or alone?
5 / 10
Are you able to relax?
6 / 10
What are ready to do to achieve your goals?
7 / 10
Will you help a person who is in need?
8 / 10
Are you capable of making important decisions fast?
9 / 10
Are you easily losing your temper?
10 / 10

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