How Much Do You Know About Numbers in Bible?

How Much Do You Know About Numbers in Bible?
The Bible is not only the world's most popular book but also a source of inspiration for many. Test your knowledge and learn some cool new facts with our quiz of the Holy Book.

The name of one of the Bible books is directly relevant to the quiz topic. What's its title?

The book of Numbers is the fourth book of Pentateuch (Torah), the Old Testament and the whole Bible. The book title is explained by the fact that the book provides a number of detailed data about the calculation of people, churchmen, first-borns, etc.

The Book of Digits

The Book of Numbers

The Book of Sums

The Book of Mupltiplications

Who was the leader of a travel, which lasted 1 year and 10 months?

According to Genesis, the ark eventually reached the Ararat Mountain, where its inhabitants waited until the water receded. When a dove brought an olive branch to the ship, Noah understood that the world rebirth began. The passengers could step foot on land. 1 year and 10 months passed from the beginning of their journey. There are other versions of Noah’s staying in the ark from minimum 61 days to the mentioned one, which is more widespread.



Pontius Pilate

Joshua the Son of Nun

In the Bible, this number is used to indicate the end of something. It’s mentioned 146 times in both Testaments. That’s how long Moses spent in prayers in Mount Sinai and Jesus Christs’ fast lasted in the desert. Those same years passed from the ascension of Jesus to the destruction of Jerusalem by Romans.

Besides, God forced the Israelites to wander in the Sinai desert for 40 years, and they were enslaved by Egyptian pharaohs for 400 years (10 times by 40).





There’s some number in this expression. If we attach other meanings to other words, which also presents in the expression, it would take 6 Israelites to get the specified number. What’s this number?

This is about the 12 Tribes of Israel. 12 is a very important number in the Bible. Following the end of the world, 144 000 Christians will be ascended into heaven, by 12 000 people from each Israelite family line. The New Jerusalem, the city of Heaven, was surrounded by 12 walls, in which base 12 jewels are laid. The Tree of Life yields 12 different fruits.





In case of word-for-word translation, the first Biblical phrase will be “In the beginning Gods created” (“Gods” – plural, “created” - singular). The grammatical mismatch between the subject and the predicate in this case can be given when describing some thesis. What is it?

In this phrase, the predicate (bara; created) is singular and the subject (Elohim) is plural (as singular this word would be Eloah; - im in Hebrew is the flexion of plural). I.e. in case of word-for-word translation, the first Biblical phrase will be “In the beginning Gods created” (“Gods” – plural, “created” - singular). For Christians, this strange mismatch between the subject and the predicate may mean that the first Biblical phrase lifts the veil of the Trinity: one God (“created”) in three persons (“Elohim”).

About icon worship

About the Trinity

About priest ordinance

About a universal Judgment

This is how many prophets of the Sacred Letter and the Horsemen of the Apocalypse there were. And from 12 Tribes of Israel, the Jesus family tree dates back to Judah, the number of whose bloodline is also this number.

From 12 Tribes of Israel the Jesus’ family tree dates back to Judah, the fourth tribe. There are 4 main prophets of the Sacred Letter: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel. There 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse. There are 4 angels standing by 4 sides of the Earth (East, South, West, North).





They are 613, but the main ones are as many as the Plagues of Egypt.  The same number you have if you add up numbers comprising the total number of wonders made by Jesus Christ.

In the first case this is about commandments (there are 613 of them, but 10 main ones). In the second case you get 10 if you sum up 3+7, which is 37 – that’s how many wonders Jesus made. Besides, God promised not to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah if 10 righteous men will be found there.





One of these numbers is used to denote something undone, the other – on the contrary, to denote a done thing. The second number could be seen on the lamp of the Jerusalem temple – menorah, this is how many couples of “clean” animals Noah brought to the ark. Guess the divergence between the second and the first number.

The first number is 6, the second – 7. There are 6 working days and 1 day for rest in a week. In tabernacles and later in the Temple in Jerusalem a lamp of 7 candles was set – menorah. Noah brought by 7 pairs of each species of “clean” animals to the ark, and “unclean” animals were saved in the amount “a pair for each beast”. The flood began in 7 days after the ark settlement.





Among other issues this scientist studied numbers in the Bible and also tried to decipher the Biblical code. To this end he learnt Classical Hebrew. Using strictly scientific methods and justifying his opinion by astronomic calculations related to solar eclipses, he predicted that the world’s end will happen no later than in 2060. Who he was?

Thomas Aquinas

Isaac Newton

Nicolaus Copernicus

Albert Einstein

This number can be found in the Bible, for example, in the following cases. The Earth was created on this day in succession. This is how many times Satan tempted Jesus Christ. This is in how many languages the inscription on the cross is made. Jesus Christ resurrected this number of people.

The New Testament describes how Satan tempted Jesus Christ with hunger, pride, faith during his 40-day fast in the desert, where he retreated after his baptizing. The inscription on the cross is made in three languages: Aramaic (local population’s language), Greek (international language at that time) and Latin (Roman’s language; Judaea was a Roman province then, governor – Pontius Pilate). He resurrected the widow’s only son, a 12-year-old girl and Lazarus.





Methuselah is one of the forefathers of humankind, the oldest man whose age is mentioned in the Bible. How long did he live?

His name became common to describe a long-liver ("the Methuselah's age").






We believe that your result can be better. You need to reread the Holy Writings. On the plus side, now you know how many years the Earth's oldest man lived, in how many languages the inscription on the cross was made and what great scientist predicted the world's end no later than in 2060. Show this quiz to your friends, let's see how they'll pull it off!

Professional book-keeper

You did a good job. Perhaps there were difficulties with estimation of the Earth's oldest man's age, the number of languages the inscription on the cross was made in and the choice of a scientist who predicted that the world's end will happen no later than in 2060. Show this quiz to your friends, let's see how they'll pull it off!


Congrats! Your memory should be applauded - you remember how many years the Earth's oldest man lived, in how many languages the inscription on the cross was made and what great scientist predicted the world's end no later than in 2060. Show this quiz to your friends, let's see how they'll pull it off!

The name of one of the Bible books is directly relevant to the quiz topic. What's its title?
1 / 11
Who was the leader of a travel, which lasted 1 year and 10 months?
2 / 11
In the Bible, this number is used to indicate the end of something. It’s mentioned 146 times in both Testaments. That’s how long Moses spent in prayers in Mount Sinai and Jesus Christs’ fast lasted in the desert. Those same years passed from the ascension of Jesus to the destruction of Jerusalem by Romans.
3 / 11
There’s some number in this expression. If we attach other meanings to other words, which also presents in the expression, it would take 6 Israelites to get the specified number. What’s this number?
4 / 11
In case of word-for-word translation, the first Biblical phrase will be “In the beginning Gods created” (“Gods” – plural, “created” - singular). The grammatical mismatch between the subject and the predicate in this case can be given when describing some thesis. What is it?
5 / 11
This is how many prophets of the Sacred Letter and the Horsemen of the Apocalypse there were. And from 12 Tribes of Israel, the Jesus family tree dates back to Judah, the number of whose bloodline is also this number.
6 / 11
They are 613, but the main ones are as many as the Plagues of Egypt.  The same number you have if you add up numbers comprising the total number of wonders made by Jesus Christ.
7 / 11
One of these numbers is used to denote something undone, the other – on the contrary, to denote a done thing. The second number could be seen on the lamp of the Jerusalem temple – menorah, this is how many couples of “clean” animals Noah brought to the ark. Guess the divergence between the second and the first number.
8 / 11
Among other issues this scientist studied numbers in the Bible and also tried to decipher the Biblical code. To this end he learnt Classical Hebrew. Using strictly scientific methods and justifying his opinion by astronomic calculations related to solar eclipses, he predicted that the world’s end will happen no later than in 2060. Who he was?
9 / 11
This number can be found in the Bible, for example, in the following cases. The Earth was created on this day in succession. This is how many times Satan tempted Jesus Christ. This is in how many languages the inscription on the cross is made. Jesus Christ resurrected this number of people.
10 / 11
Methuselah is one of the forefathers of humankind, the oldest man whose age is mentioned in the Bible. How long did he live?
11 / 11

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