Do You Have Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)? Take the Test to Understand Your Symptoms

Do You Have Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)? Take the Test to Understand Your Symptoms

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a mental and nervous disturbance resulting from a traumatic situation, singular, or recurrent. Our test will help you find out whether you have symptoms of this disorder. This test doesn't replace medical diagnostics and is not designed for establishing a diagnosis.

Do bad memories from childhood torture you?


It happens I recall different unpleasant moments

Yes, I try not to think about those days

You feel emotional exhaustion

Do you lack an interest in life and events taking place?

No, I'm still cheerful

There are such periods

Yes, I feel it

Assess how much is your sleep quiet

Your job is associated with disasters and incidents

Do you have memory losses?


Sometimes it seems I don’t remember some events

It happens periodically

How much are you emotionally stable?

Do you experience unexplainable aggression?

Don't think so

Shorty bursts of anger occur

Yes, I don’t' understand why

You often suffer from headache or belly-ache

You often recall some event

No, I try not to become obsessed with anything

Sometimes I recall the same thing all day long

Yes, I think about the same thing all the time

How much are you self-contained more recently?

Many things can remind you of a terrible remembrance: colors, smells, surroundings, weather.

Assess your anxiety

Do you have panic attacks?

What is it?



Your physical activity decreased, you feel apathy.

Do you make an effort to heal the pain from memories with alcohol, pills?


Sometimes but I try not to abuse

Yes, I cannot manage it on my own

You unlikely have this disorder

You're calm, know how to have fun and leave the past behind. Keep it up! Wish your further happiness and well-being! Share the test result to let your friends check themselves too ;)

Your memories get in your way

Probably, something happened in the past that changed you. You keep living but the memories periodically remind you of that pain. If it bothers you, visit a psychotherapist, probably, it will improve your condition. Share the test result to let your friends check themselves too ;)

Probably, you're traumatized a lot

Some event deprived you of your calm and you probably cannot return to your old life. There are chances that you have PTSD. Probably, the professional help of a psychotherapist will help you to go through it and improve your state. Wish your happiness and well-being! Share the test result to let your friends check themselves too ;)

Do bad memories from childhood torture you?
1 / 16
You feel emotional exhaustion
2 / 16
Do you lack an interest in life and events taking place?
3 / 16
Assess how much is your sleep quiet
4 / 16
Your job is associated with disasters and incidents
5 / 16
Do you have memory losses?
6 / 16
How much are you emotionally stable?
7 / 16
Do you experience unexplainable aggression?
8 / 16
You often suffer from headache or belly-ache
9 / 16
You often recall some event
10 / 16
How much are you self-contained more recently?
11 / 16
Many things can remind you of a terrible remembrance: colors, smells, surroundings, weather.
12 / 16
Assess your anxiety
13 / 16
Do you have panic attacks?
14 / 16
Your physical activity decreased, you feel apathy.
15 / 16
Do you make an effort to heal the pain from memories with alcohol, pills?
16 / 16

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