Although some people believe that not much is needed for happiness, we cannot always recognize what we're missing to make our lives brighter and more interesting. Take this quiz and find out what you're missing in life.
How often do you feel that you live according to your true destination on a scale from 1 to 10?
You're extremely curious about the world around.
Are you an idealist or a realist?
What is the most important thing in love and relationships?
Stability and trust
Physical appeal
Choose a word this image is associated with.
Do you like dreaming?
How do you think what do you really lack right now?
Many things, but I cannot afford them with this rate of the currency
Love. Sometimes I feel so lonely
Time! It'd be great if there would be more hours in the day.
What is closer to your understanding of success in life?
How much are you self-confident on a scale from 1 to 10?
What your life does have in abundance?
Ideas, desires, plans
Businesses and urgent tasks
You're missing travels
You've been stuck in one place for a long time. Your life or job turned into the beaten track. It's time to give it all up and go on a journey. Get ready for an amazing trip right now - life is incredibly short and the whole world is waiting for you! Share the quiz on social media - let's see how your friends pull it through.
You're missing love
It seems you watched all romcoms for the last 50 years. Remember, the pictures from movies don't always reflect reality. Real life is everywhere but you don't notice it searching for "that very" feeling. You'd better look around and you'll understand - you are already loved and you love. Share the quiz on social media - let's see how your friends pull it through.
You're missing money
Money doesn't stay with you for long. And that's not because of your low salary but your spending habits - you spend everything to the last cent. You'll always lack money no matter how much you have in your pocket with this finance management. But you don't need millions to be happy. And although you believe that money will fix everything, this is wrong. Share the quiz on social media - let's see how your friends pull it through.