Welcome to the Uzumaki manga quiz! Uzumaki is a Japanese horror manga series that follows the story of a town cursed by spirals. Test your knowledge of this disturbing and surreal manga and see how much you remember about the characters, plot, and horror elements in Uzumaki. Good luck!
What is the name of the town where the events of Uzumaki take place, which becomes haunted by spirals?
What is the name of the protagonist in Uzumaki who becomes obsessed with spirals and is drawn into the town's curse?
Shuichi Saito
Kirie Goshima
Azami Kurotani
What is the name of the high school that Kirie and Shuichi attend in Uzumaki and is central to the story?
Kurouzu High School
Shonan High School
Asakusa High School
Koto High School
What is the name of the curse that afflicts the town in Uzumaki and causes people to become obsessed with spirals?
The Spiral Curse
The Curse of Kurouzu
The Curse of the Whirlpool
The Curse of the Nautilus
What is the name of the doctor who becomes obsessed with spirals in Uzumaki and ultimately meets a gruesome fate?
Mr. Saito
Dr. Tsuchida
What is the name of the phenomenon that occurs in Uzumaki where objects and people become twisted and distorted by spirals?
Spiral Transformation
Spiralization Syndrome
Spiral Madness
What is the name of the old man who becomes obsessed with spirals in Uzumaki and eventually turns into a giant snail-like creature?
Mr. Saito
Mr. Goshima
Chie's father
What is the name of the classmate of Kirie's in Uzumaki who becomes obsessed with her hair and its spiral shape?
Azami Kurotani
Shiho Miyano
Rina Kawai
Yukie Saito
What is the name of the lighthouse that features prominently in Uzumaki and becomes the site of a pivotal confrontation?
Kurouzu Lighthouse
Higashikata Lighthouse
Nautilus Lighthouse
Tatemae Lighthouse
What is the name of the artist who creates a series of paintings featuring spirals in Uzumaki and becomes a key figure in the story?
Shiro Azami
Mr. Saito
What is the name of the schoolgirl who becomes obsessed with spirals in Uzumaki and ultimately meets a gruesome fate?
Shiho Miyano
Kirie Goshima
Chie Maruyama
Rina Kawai
What is the name of the phenomenon that occurs in Uzumaki where people begin to spiral inward and become trapped in their own bodies?
The Spiral Curse
The Spiral Madness
The Spiral Vortex
Very impressive!
Congratulations on your outstanding score in the Uzumaki manga quiz! Your deep understanding of the series' surreal and horror themes is truly commendable.
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