Star Power: Test Your Knowledge of These Sea Stars

Star Power: Test Your Knowledge of These Sea Stars

Welcome to the starfish quiz! Starfish, also known as sea stars, are fascinating creatures that inhabit oceans around the world. These invertebrates are known for their distinct physical features, including their five-pointed arms and unique ability to regenerate lost limbs.

Starfish are also important members of the marine ecosystem, playing a crucial role in maintaining the balance of the ocean floor. With their unique adaptations to life in the water and their importance to the marine ecosystem, starfish are a beloved and fascinating animal.

Test your knowledge and discover more about these amazing creatures with our starfish quiz.

How do starfish breathe?

Through their mouth

Through their skin

Through their gills

They don't breathe

What is the scientific name for starfish?





How many arms do most starfish have?





What do starfish eat?




All of the above

What is the main defense mechanism of starfish?

Poisonous spines

Explosive cells

Regenerative abilities


What is the common name for starfish?

Sea cucumber

Sea urchin

Sea star

Sea snail

How do starfish move?

They swim

They crawl on the ocean floor

They hop

They fly

How many eyes do starfish have?




They don't have eyes

How long can a starfish live out of water?

10 minutes

1 hour

24 hours

48 hours

What color are most starfish?





How do starfish reproduce?




They don't reproduce

How many species of starfish are there?





What is the largest species of starfish?

Crown-of-thorns starfish

Sunflower starfish

Chocolate chip starfish

Spiny starfish

What is the smallest species of starfish?

Bat star

Slender armed starfish

Red-knobbed starfish

Ochre star

What is the habitat of starfish?

Deep ocean

Shallow ocean

Rivers and lakes


Very impressive!

Congratulations on acing the Starfish quiz! Your impressive score shows that you have a great knowledge of these fascinating and often colorful creatures of the sea. Starfish, also known as sea stars, are known for their distinctive shape and appearance, their important role in ocean ecosystems, and their ability to regenerate lost limbs, and it's clear that you've taken the time to learn about their unique traits and characteristics. Keep up the fantastic work, and continue to explore the wonderful world of starfish. Well done on your achievement, and keep on expanding your knowledge of these remarkable and often under-appreciated creatures of the sea!

There is still room for improvement!

It's okay if you didn't do as well as you hoped on this quiz. It's important to remember that everyone has room for improvement and it's a great opportunity to learn something new.  Take some time to study the material and try again. With practice and dedication, you'll be able to do better next time. Don't give up!

How do starfish breathe?
1 / 15
What is the scientific name for starfish?
2 / 15
How many arms do most starfish have?
3 / 15
What do starfish eat?
4 / 15
What is the main defense mechanism of starfish?
5 / 15
What is the common name for starfish?
6 / 15
How do starfish move?
7 / 15
How many eyes do starfish have?
8 / 15
How long can a starfish live out of water?
9 / 15
What color are most starfish?
10 / 15
How do starfish reproduce?
11 / 15
How many species of starfish are there?
12 / 15
What is the largest species of starfish?
13 / 15
What is the smallest species of starfish?
14 / 15
What is the habitat of starfish?
15 / 15

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