What's Your Chronotype? Take the Lark or Owl Quiz to Find Out!

What's Your Chronotype? Take the Lark or Owl Quiz to Find Out!
Every person should create their schedule and routines according to their personal biological clock. Some people are more active in the mornings, some are active only when the evening starts. This test can help you to determine if you are a night owl or a morning lark!

When would you prefer to get up if you were to choose any time upon your own desire?

5 AM – 6:45 AM

6:45 AM – 8:15 AM

8:15 AM – 10:45 AM

10:45 AM – 12 PM

12 PM – 13 PM

When would you prefer to go to bed if you were freely planning evenings upon your own desire?

8 PM – 8:45 PM

8:45 PM – 9:30 PM

9:30 PM – 12:15 AM

12:15 AM – 1:30 AM

1:30 AM – 3 AM

How big is your necessity to set an alarm if you need to be up at certain time in the morning?

No necessity at all

Sometimes I need it

Very strong necessity in the alarm

Alarm is a must

If you were getting ready for the exam but could only study during night time (11 PM-2 AM), how productive and effective would your studies be?

Absolutely non-effective. I couldn’t work at nights

A bit effective

Quite effective

Highly effective

Do you easily get up?

No. Getting up is hard

Getting up is quite hard

Getting up is quite easy

Getting up is very easy

Do you feel yourself fully awaken within the first 30 minutes after getting up?

No. I feel extremely sleepy

I’m slightly sleepy

My mind is clear

Yes. My mind is clear as a sunny day

What can you say about your appetite within the first 30 minutes after getting up?

No appetite at all

Appetite is low

Quite good appetite

Hungry as a bear

If you were getting ready for the exam but could only study during early mornings (4 AM-7 AM), how productive and effective would your studies be?

Absolutely non-effective. I couldn’t work at mornings

A bit effective

Quite effective

Highly effective

Do you feel physical fatigue within the first 30 minutes after getting up?

I feel extremely tired and weak (even exhausted)

A slight weakness

I have a bit of energy

I’m full of energy

If you are free from work and duties on the next day, when will you go to bed?

As usual

1 hour later than usual

1-2 hours later than usual

Do you easily fall asleep?

No. It’s hard to fall asleep

It’s quite hard

It’s quite easy

Yes. Very easy

You made a decision to start training. Your friend wants to join you and suggest you should train during 1 hour at least 2 times per week. The friend insists on meeting at 7 AM and train until 8 AM. Is it a good time for you to train?

I would be in a perfect shape for training at this time

I would be quite ready to train at this time

It would be a bit hard for me

It would be extremely hard for me

At what time do you usually feel tired to the extent that you go to bed?

8 PM – 9 PM

9 PM – 10:15 PM

10:15 PM – 12:45 AM

12:45 AM – 2 AM

2 AM – 3 AM

When performing a two-hours task that requires all your intelligence and focus, which of the four time periods would you choose (considering you are free to plan your schedule upon your own desire)?

8 AM – 10 AM

11 AM – 1 PM

3 PM – 5 PM

7 PM – 9 PM

How tired are you at 11 PM?

Extremely tired

Quite tired, I can feel it

A bit tired

Not tired at all

You went to bed several hours later than usual for some reason. However, there is no obligation to get up at certain time on the following morning? Which of the four options would you choose?

I’ll wake as usual and won’t be sleeping anymore

I’ll wake up as usual and keep drowsing

I’ll wake as usual and fall asleep again

I’ll wake later than usual

You have to take a night shift from 4 AM until 6 AM. However, the following day is free. Which of the four options would you choose?

I’ll be sleeping only after my shift

I’ll be drowsing before my shift and go to sleep after it

I’ll get a good sleep before my shift and drowse a bit after it

I’ll get a good sleep before my shift

You have to make a hard physical work for 2 hours. Which time period would you choose (considering you are free to plan the schedule upon your own desire)?

8 AM – 10 AM

11 AM – 1 PM

3 PM – 5 PM

7 PM – 9 PM

You made a decision to start training. Your friend wants to join you and suggest you should train during 1 hour at least 2 times per week. The friend insists on meeting at 10 PM and train until 11 PM. According to your physical state, is it a good time for you to train?

I would be in a perfect shape for training at this time

I would be quite ready to train at this time

It’s a bit late. It would be a bit hard for me

No. This time isn’t suitable for training at all

What time did you usually get up at summer breaks, when you could choose it upon your own desire?

5 AM – 6:45 AM

6:45 AM – 7:45 AM

7:45 AM – 9:45 AM

9:45 AM – 10:45 AM

10:45 AM – 12 PM

Imagine that you can plan your own working schedule! Let’s suppose that you work 5 hours per day (including lunchtime), your job is interesting and satisfying. Choose 5-hours period when you could be the most productive.

12 AM – 5 AM

5 AM – 8 AM

8 AM – 10 AM

10 AM – 4 PM

4 PM – 9 PM

9 PM – 12 AM

What period can be marked as the peak of your productivity at work?

12 AM – 4 AM

4 AM – 8 AM

8 AM – 9 AM

9 AM – 2 PM

2 PM – 5 PM

5 PM – 12 AM

We all heard about two types of people: morning and night. What type do you think you are?

100% morning

I’m more a morning person

I’m more a night person

100% night

A lark

Your biological clock is going faster than the astronomical. As a result, you go to bed earlier and wake up earlier. The most productive period for an effective work is the first half of the day. When evening comes, you’re already tired. If your inner clock goes faster than astronomical, it might lower the quality of your sleep. It’s called advance sleep phase disorder. What results will your friends get? Share this link to find out!

A dove

Your biological clock goes at the same pace as astronomical. As a result, you easily fall asleep in the evenings and get up in the mornings. It’s the most beneficial type of circadian rhythm that doesn’t cause any problems with sleep and working activity during the day. What result will your friends get? Share this test to find out!

An owl

Your biological clock goes slower than the astronomical. As a result, you find it hard to fall asleep at night and wake up early in the morning. The most productive period for an effective work is the second part of the day, because you don’t have energy in the morning. If your inner clock goes slower that astronomical, it might lower the quality of your sleep. It’s called delayed sleep phase disorder. What result will your friends get? Share this link to find out!

When would you prefer to get up if you were to choose any time upon your own desire?
1 / 23
When would you prefer to go to bed if you were freely planning evenings upon your own desire?
2 / 23
How big is your necessity to set an alarm if you need to be up at certain time in the morning?
3 / 23
If you were getting ready for the exam but could only study during night time (11 PM-2 AM), how productive and effective would your studies be?
4 / 23
Do you easily get up?
5 / 23
Do you feel yourself fully awaken within the first 30 minutes after getting up?
6 / 23
What can you say about your appetite within the first 30 minutes after getting up?
7 / 23
If you were getting ready for the exam but could only study during early mornings (4 AM-7 AM), how productive and effective would your studies be?
8 / 23
Do you feel physical fatigue within the first 30 minutes after getting up?
9 / 23
If you are free from work and duties on the next day, when will you go to bed?
10 / 23
Do you easily fall asleep?
11 / 23
You made a decision to start training. Your friend wants to join you and suggest you should train during 1 hour at least 2 times per week. The friend insists on meeting at 7 AM and train until 8 AM. Is it a good time for you to train?
12 / 23
At what time do you usually feel tired to the extent that you go to bed?
13 / 23
When performing a two-hours task that requires all your intelligence and focus, which of the four time periods would you choose (considering you are free to plan your schedule upon your own desire)?
14 / 23
How tired are you at 11 PM?
15 / 23
You went to bed several hours later than usual for some reason. However, there is no obligation to get up at certain time on the following morning? Which of the four options would you choose?
16 / 23
You have to take a night shift from 4 AM until 6 AM. However, the following day is free. Which of the four options would you choose?
17 / 23
You have to make a hard physical work for 2 hours. Which time period would you choose (considering you are free to plan the schedule upon your own desire)?
18 / 23
You made a decision to start training. Your friend wants to join you and suggest you should train during 1 hour at least 2 times per week. The friend insists on meeting at 10 PM and train until 11 PM. According to your physical state, is it a good time for you to train?
19 / 23
What time did you usually get up at summer breaks, when you could choose it upon your own desire?
20 / 23
Imagine that you can plan your own working schedule! Let’s suppose that you work 5 hours per day (including lunchtime), your job is interesting and satisfying. Choose 5-hours period when you could be the most productive.
21 / 23
What period can be marked as the peak of your productivity at work?
22 / 23
We all heard about two types of people: morning and night. What type do you think you are?
23 / 23

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