What Is Your Gender Identity? The Quiz Will Find Out

What Is Your Gender Identity? The Quiz Will Find Out
Your gender identity manifests itself in your views, behavior, and attitude toward the world and yourself. Your expression and communication provide some illumination but don't always relate to what others call you. This test can help you deepen your relationship with yourself!

Can you tell if two of your friends secretly start dating?

Yes. It’s obvious

Not until they tell me

I think I can. But I need time to notice that

How do you find out that you have achieved a certain result?

By analyzing facts and data

By my feelings – whether I like the result

By analyzing information and my feelings

You want to go to the seaside for vacation, but your partner prefers mountains. What will you do?

I’ll make convincing arguments to support my choice

I’ll be insisting that I love seaside so much and we should go there

I’ll offer a deal: first we go to the seaside, then – to the mountains

Are you capable of giving your friends or relatives good advice?

I can suggest the most optimal solution but I don’t want to hear their complaints

Yes. I can always listen to them and support

I can try to look at their problem from aside

When you need to deal with something difficult and unknown, you:

Work on it by yourself

Ask for help

Try to figure everything out yourself first and ask for help if necessary

If your friend has got his PC broken, you:

Take a look at it and find the problem

Say that you’re sorry for his problems

Recommend a good master

How do you usually plan your day?

I make a thorough plan for the whole week

I deal with my problems without planning

I make a list of things to do at the beginning of the day

What do you think about art and creative activities?

I have a great sense of art and enjoy doing something myself

It’s not my cup of tea

I like art, but it’s not for me

When getting acquainted with new people, will you be able to describe them the next day?

I doubt that I can remember them

Yes. I can describe their faces and clothes

I might remember their names

When doing shopping, you:

Compare the prices and choose the best item

Buy what I like

Plan my purchases in advance and follow the list

Masculine type of thinking

You perceive the information as a whole, mostly forgetting about details and specifics, and act according to rules and logic. When thinking about something, you prefer to be left alone, stay in peace and quiet. It helps you to come to conclusions and find the answers to all the questions. Beginning conversation, making arguments and reasoning is possible after you consider all the information. You are the type of the person who thinks before speaking. What result will your friends get? Share this test to find out!

Feminine type of thinking

You perceive information in details, mostly forgetting about the global image of the situation. Your actions are driven by feelings and emotions. Formal logic and following the rules aren’t for you. You prefer to think aloud, discuss the problem with your companion. You are able to find answers and make conclusions in a dialogue with another person. What result will your friends get? Share this test to find out!

Androgynous type of thinking

You have a harmonious combination of both masculine and feminine types of thinking. You choose the best possible way to react depending on situation: one day you might follow logic and rules, another day – you rely on your feelings and emotions. You are perfectly capable to think about situations and problems when alone, however, you can also make conclusions while communicating with another person. What result will your friends get? Share this test to find out!

Can you tell if two of your friends secretly start dating?
1 / 10
How do you find out that you have achieved a certain result?
2 / 10
You want to go to the seaside for vacation, but your partner prefers mountains. What will you do?
3 / 10
Are you capable of giving your friends or relatives good advice?
4 / 10
When you need to deal with something difficult and unknown, you:
5 / 10
If your friend has got his PC broken, you:
6 / 10
How do you usually plan your day?
7 / 10
What do you think about art and creative activities?
8 / 10
When getting acquainted with new people, will you be able to describe them the next day?
9 / 10
When doing shopping, you:
10 / 10

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