How Am I Feeling Today? Take the Quiz to Sort Out Your Emotions!

How Am I Feeling Today? Take the Quiz to Sort Out Your Emotions!
Everyone has hang-ups from their childhood, and sometimes, they can help us with solving problems, but mostly they prevent us from properly perceiving reality. This test can help you learn more about yourself while finding out if you have any of these popular negative hang-ups!

Imagine that you made a mistake while doing an important task. What is your first thought?

It’s horrible! It can’t be fixed

I should be more attentive

It’s my co-worker who distracted me

Is there anything in your life that you cannot stand?

Oh yes! The list is pretty long

No. I can deal with anything

Yes. Other people

You are making a report. Someone asks you a question, but you don’t know what to reply. What to do?

That’s awful! I should run away from here, I should leave

I should be preparing better next time

I should avoid inviting people who ask such stupid questions

In your opinion, what are the reasons of the psychological problems?

Look around! This terrible world is one big reason!

Well, it’s a blame of these people

It’s because of people around – parents, friends, co-workers

What do you feel when you reach success in something?

I’m so powerful! I’m the king of the world!

It means nothing. I should work better, put more efforts

It could have better… Sadly, there were people who disturbed me

Can you keep talking to a friend who is behaving foolishly?

Of course. Right after he calms himself down

Yes. Probably, I just don’t get his mood

No. I won’t be able to stand his manners

What do you think when someone’s behavior is offensive for you?

Oh God. I should stop seeing this person

It might be my fault

He has just hit a new low

How often do you have tough times in life?

Is there anything in your life that you have to do?

No. It would freak me out

Yes. I have my duties

No. But other people have

Does your self-respect change if you make a mistake?

Yes. It always feels like the end of the world

Yes. I feel that I could have been better

No. It’s not my fault

Tendency to exaggerate

You tend to think that every unfortunate event in your life is horrible and unbearable. This is how you exaggerate the actual negative level of the situation. Every bad experience is called “a catastrophe”, which cannot be changed. You can notice that you like to pronounce such words as “catastrophe”, “nightmare”, “horrible”, “end of the world”, and so on. What about your friends? Share this test to learn more about them!

Excessively high personal expectations

You tend to believe that every person should achieve certain success and get the approval of the significant people. If the person doesn’t do what he is supposed to do, it makes him strange and abnormal. Such an attitude can lead to depression, anxiety, despair and strong self-doubt. You can notice that you like to pronounce such words as “I’m obliged to”, “I have to”, “whatever it takes”, and so on. What about your friends? Share this test lo learn more about them!

Excessively high social expectations

You tend to believe that other people should treat you well, be just and behave in a certain way. Such a belief can lead to negative feelings, disorders and anxiety, because people cannot meet your expectations. You can notice that you like to pronounce such words as “they have to”, “they are obliged to”, “whatever it takes”, and so on. What result will your friends get? Share this test to find out!

Imagine that you made a mistake while doing an important task. What is your first thought?
1 / 10
Is there anything in your life that you cannot stand?
2 / 10
You are making a report. Someone asks you a question, but you don’t know what to reply. What to do?
3 / 10
In your opinion, what are the reasons of the psychological problems?
4 / 10
What do you feel when you reach success in something?
5 / 10
Can you keep talking to a friend who is behaving foolishly?
6 / 10
What do you think when someone’s behavior is offensive for you?
7 / 10
How often do you have tough times in life?
8 / 10
Is there anything in your life that you have to do?
9 / 10
Does your self-respect change if you make a mistake?
10 / 10

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