How Well Do You Know the Nervous System? Take the Anatomy Quiz!

How Well Do You Know the Nervous System? Take the Anatomy Quiz!
The nervous system is a complex network of nerves that carries messages to and from the brain. Animal share this system, though it's less complex. It’s almost impossible to learn every detail and every fact about this important part of our bodies! Take this test to find out how much you know about the nervous system!

What is the name of the structural and functional unit of the nervous system?





The spinal cord thickens at:

Coccygeal portion

Terminal portion

Pectoral portion

Cervical portion

How many segments are there in the cervical portion of the spinal cord?





Where do you find the segments of the lumbar portion of the vertebral spine?

At the T10 and T11 levels of the vertebral spine

At the T12 level of the vertebral spine

At the L1 vertebra

At the first sacral vertebra

Which of these segments of the spinal cord have lateral columns?

The eighth cervical nerve

The first cervical nerve

The seveth cervical nerve

The fourth lumbar vertebra

Which nucleus is located in the anterior horns of the spinal cord?

the ventral intermediate nucleus

The intermediolateral nucleus

The central core

The pectoral

What does derive from the forebrain?


The pons and cerebellum

The midbrain

The cerebrum

The cerebral peduncles are related to:

The cerebrum

The diencephalon

The midbrain

The hindbrain

The two hemispheres are connected with:

The cerebral peduncles

The external capsule

The anterior commissure

The internal capsule

Which of these of a part of the frontal lobe?

The precuneus

The angular gyrus

Opercular part

The supramarginal gyrus

More knowledge required

According to your answers, you have no idea of the construction of the nervous system! Did you actually know that neurons were the parts of the human body, not something related to physics? We are sure that this test could surprise you, because you failed to answer most of the questions. However, you know a bit more now, don’t you? Will your friends pass our test? Share the link to find out!

Beginning neurologist

According to your answers, you have a good idea of the construction of the nervous system! You know about neurons and reflexes, can answer more complicated questions as well. However, we were able to puzzle you with some facts! Probably, you have already forgotten a part of information about the nervous system. Hopefully, you was able to refresh your memory after this quiz. Will your friends pass our test? Share the link to find out!

Future neurologist

According to your answers, you perfectly know the construction of the nervous system! You know about neurons and reflexes, can answer more complicated questions as well. We weren’t able to puzzle you with some facts! Probably, you have nothing more to learn. Hopefully, you were able to refresh your memory after this quiz. Will your friends pass our test? Share the link to find out!

What is the name of the structural and functional unit of the nervous system?
1 / 10
The spinal cord thickens at:
2 / 10
How many segments are there in the cervical portion of the spinal cord?
3 / 10
Where do you find the segments of the lumbar portion of the vertebral spine?
4 / 10
Which of these segments of the spinal cord have lateral columns?
5 / 10
Which nucleus is located in the anterior horns of the spinal cord?
6 / 10
What does derive from the forebrain?
7 / 10
The cerebral peduncles are related to:
8 / 10
The two hemispheres are connected with:
9 / 10
Which of these of a part of the frontal lobe?
10 / 10

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