Generator Rex is an American animated television series that follows the adventures of a teenage boy named Rex who has the ability to generate machines and weapons from his body. The show premiered on Cartoon Network in 2010 and quickly gained a following among fans of action-packed cartoons. If you're a fan of the show, or just curious about it, take this quiz to test your knowledge of Generator Rex!
What is the name of the organization that Rex works for?
The Agency
The Alliance
What is the name of the nanite-infected villain who is Rex's arch-nemesis?
Van Kleiss
Dr. Holiday
Agent Six
White Knight
What is the name of the weapon that Rex uses to control his nanites?
The Omega-1 Nanite
The Alpha-1 Nanite
The Beta-1 Nanite
The Omega-1 Nanite
What is the name of the Providence agent who is Rex's mentor?
Agent Six
Dr. Holiday
White Knight
Bobo Haha
What is the name of the nanite-infected creature that Rex can transform into?
What is the name of the Providence agent who is in charge of Rex's training?
Agent Six
Dr. Holiday
White Knight
Bobo Haha
What is the name of the nanite-infected villain who can control machines?
What is the name of the Providence agent who is in charge of the organization's technology?
Agent Six
Dr. Holiday
White Knight
Bobo Haha
What is the name of the nanite-infected villain who can create and control fire?
Van Kleiss
What is the name of the Providence agent who is in charge of the organization's finances?
Agent Six
Dr. Holiday
White Knight
Black Knight
What is the name of the nanite-infected villain who can create and control ice?
Van Kleiss
What is the name of the Providence agent who is in charge of the organization's medical department?
Agent Six
Dr. Holiday
White Knight
Bobo Haha
Very impressive!
Congratulations on passing the quiz about Generator Rex! Your knowledge about the show is impressive and we are proud of your achievement. Keep up the good work!
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It's okay if you didn't do as well as you hoped on this quiz. It's important to remember that everyone has room for improvement and it's a great opportunity to learn something new. Take some time to study the material and try again. With practice and dedication, you'll be able to do better next time. Don't give up!