What Are Your Greatest Character Strengths?

 What Are Your Greatest Character Strengths?
Everyone faces difficult situations. Yes, sometimes it's hard, but only by overcoming challenges you can become stronger and gain new skills and abilities. What has your life experience taught you? Take this test and find out!

You're given a huge assignment at work. You're shocked a bit but how will you manage to do it?

I'll do it on my own! I just need to push for once and that's all

I'll ask my friends and colleagues to help me a little

I'll try to convince everybody that we should separate our duties

Oh, come on! There were more difficult things, that's not a big deal. I'll cope

How to motivate a team better?

Just to ask it, have a heart to heart talk and explain everything

It's easier to do everything on your own

You should always encourage team members, give credit to them

I never have problems with it, you just need to explain everything in detail

Imagine that some of your contacts said something offensive about you. What's your reaction?

I'll try to figure it all out, maybe, it was my fault

I'll just forgive him/her, you never know what's gotten into him/her

I'll talk to him/her, sort things out

I won't pay attention to it. I'm better than that

You're asked to say a toast at the birthday party of your friends. How do you feel?

Your boss is discontent with your work. There you go. He's ripped you to pieces. How do you feel?

Well, that can happen sometimes. It would be better next time

I'll accept criticism if only it's fair

I'll try to understand him and accept his position

I'll take a stand to the bitter end

Which of these people does resemble you most?

What do you repeat to yourself every day?

I love this life!

Never give up!

Be kinder

Let them all take example by you

Your friends always tell you that you

Know how yo inspire them

Understand them

Are always high-spirited

Aren't afraid of anything

How does the future perfect world look like?

A world where everybody stays positive

A world where you have nothing to be afraid of

A world with no conflicts

A world where everybody is equal

Which of these things are you open to do on weekends?

To see my family

To go to a party with friends

To go to a new place, even if it's not far away

To play football or something like this

If you have the opportunity to choose any hobby, what it would be?




Helping other people


Emotional-volitional strengths are included in this group, i.e. overcoming obstacles, both internal and external ones, on the way to desired goals. Such qualities as courage, persistency and honesty are typical of you. We can only admire the bravery you go through life with and the zeal you tackle all the problems, even the hardest ones, with. Tell your friends about this test. Let them know what they should be proud of!


Interpersonal strengths relating to friendship and caring about others are included in this group. Such features as love, kindness and social intelligence are typical of you. We can only admire the care you treat others with and the sympathy you help everybody with. Tell your friends about this test. Let them know what they should be proud of!


Strengths contributing to a good life in the community are included in this group. Such features as teamwork skills, striving for equality and leadership are typical of you. We can only admire the responsibility you tackle everything, even the hardest problems, with and how much you appreciate justice. Tell your friends about this test. Let them know what they should be proud of!


Strengths creating the connection to the world and bringing meaning to life are included in this group. Such features as gratitude, hope and sense of humor are typical of you. We can only admire the ease you tackle all, even the hardest problems, and how much you can appreciate the beautiful things. Tell your friends about this test. Let them know what they should be proud of!

You're given a huge assignment at work. You're shocked a bit but how will you manage to do it?
1 / 11
How to motivate a team better?
2 / 11
Imagine that some of your contacts said something offensive about you. What's your reaction?
3 / 11
You're asked to say a toast at the birthday party of your friends. How do you feel?
4 / 11
Your boss is discontent with your work. There you go. He's ripped you to pieces. How do you feel?
5 / 11
Which of these people does resemble you most?
6 / 11
What do you repeat to yourself every day?
7 / 11
Your friends always tell you that you
8 / 11
How does the future perfect world look like?
9 / 11
Which of these things are you open to do on weekends?
10 / 11
If you have the opportunity to choose any hobby, what it would be?
11 / 11

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