What Cat Breed Matches Your Personality? Take the Quiz to Find Out!

What Cat Breed Matches Your Personality? Take the Quiz to Find Out!

Every breed of purring creatures has a distinct character and unique features. But, alas, not many can take this test! Find out which breed of cat you are here!

How do you like these tools?

What will you do after sleep yourself out?

I'll meow a little, I can't do other things

I'll find the owner and follow her

I'll get cozy on someone's laps

I'll play, I have a lot of toys

I'll steal something from the table

Are you afraid of dogs?

What about mousing?

How many meals a day do you have?

What cat words do you use when you welcome your owner after her job?

Hurray! You're back!

I've missed you a lot

Less noise! I want to sleep

Where have you been? Why so long?

Feed me quicker, I'm starving

Your attitude toward new neighbors?

Purring - is it great?

They want to bath you. Your reaction?

Scottish fold

Scottish fold is a great cat, making friends with which is such a pleasure. She's intelligent, soft, calm and cheerful. Show your friends this test - let's see what breed are they!

Canadian sphinx

Canadian sphinxes have a golden character! They're very loving and their intellect is similar to the one of a 3 y/o kid. The faithfulness of sphinxes is astonishing - they're are always loyal to the owner and willing to warm, entertain and talk to her/him all the time. Besides, sphinxes are very proud - they don't ask for handouts. Show your friends this test - let's see what breed are they!

Maine Coon

An impressive size, a strict, keen glance, cocked up brush ears and a huge foxy tail - all that is Maine Coon, a mysterious cat with a unique character. The impressive big cat with amiable disposition, exceptional caress, and straightforward playfulness. Show your friends this test - let's see what breed are they!


A graceful blue-eyed animal, which distinguishes itself with intelligence, sociability and chattiness. It has its own view of every issue. No one would be alone with it. Show your friends this test - let's see what breed are they!


The Persian cat is one of the most loved and famous in the world. The Persians' character is that they're exceptionally home cats. Tender, trustful and very calm and aren't afraid of people. Show your friends this test - let's see what breed are they!

How do you like these tools?
1 / 9
What will you do after sleep yourself out?
2 / 9
Are you afraid of dogs?
3 / 9
What about mousing?
4 / 9
How many meals a day do you have?
5 / 9
What cat words do you use when you welcome your owner after her job?
6 / 9
Your attitude toward new neighbors?
7 / 9
Purring - is it great?
8 / 9
They want to bath you. Your reaction?
9 / 9

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