What Breed Of Horse Fits You?

What Breed Of Horse Fits You?

We all admire the beauty and grace of horses as helpers, friends, and the pride of their owners. Praised in poetry, songs, and paintings, have you considered which breed you would be? Take this quiz and find out what you're like!

First, let's find out which of these colors do you like most?




Piebald (with white spots)

How do you think how brave are you?

How do you see your horse?

Beautiful and eye-catching

Courageous and enduring

Calm and unpretentious

As smart as me

Do you agree that you're a self-confident person?

Some horse breeds need a lot of attention. How many days a week will you devote to your horse?

Do you like horses of a virile character?

What equestrian sport do you prefer?

Show jumping




What’s your character?






You're very smart and attentive. A horse of Kabardian breed fits you best. Kabardian horses are known for their intellect. The horse treats its owner very gently. The Kabardians start showing their temper from a young age, they're very hard to break. But as soon as the horse is broke, it becomes gentle and obedient. Share the quiz with friends, let's find out what horse breed fit them!

Russian Don

You're quite a calm and cold-minded person. A hose of Russian Don breed fits you best. A Don horse is not so jumpy as other breeds but it enduring and unpretentious. It has a heavy neck and broad chest, strong and elongated legs with wide hoof horses. The horses are known for their even temper, red color. Share the quiz with friends, let's find out what horse breed fit them!


You're the person of a virile character. A horse of Menorquín breed fits you best. A Menorquín horse is distinguished for its strong character, endurance, courage. The animal can be easily trained. There are Menorquín horses of black color only. Share the quiz with friends, let's find out what horse breed fit them!

American saddle horse

You're a self-confident person. American saddle horse fits you best. It is known for its attractive appearance. This is an eye-catching animal the fans of fan riding prefer. The prancer is heavily built due to this its rider feels no fear - only confidence. Share the quiz with friends, let's find out what horse breed fit them!

First, let's find out which of these colors do you like most?
1 / 8
How do you think how brave are you?
2 / 8
How do you see your horse?
3 / 8
Do you agree that you're a self-confident person?
4 / 8
Some horse breeds need a lot of attention. How many days a week will you devote to your horse?
5 / 8
Do you like horses of a virile character?
6 / 8
What equestrian sport do you prefer?
7 / 8
What’s your character?
8 / 8

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