What Type of Learner Am I?

What Type of Learner Am I?
Learning style refers to your methods of cognition. It defines how you approach life. Do you prefer to trust your feelings or logic? Do you tend to observe and listen to others or act immediately? Let's find out which learning styles there are and how they can help you in learning the new stuff.

Before using a newly bought microwave, you…

I'll read the manual, then the website, ask friends and watch the video on Youtube

Experimentally only

I'll figure out on my own

I'll check the manual if there are questions

If you get lost in a new city, what will you do?

It can't be, I always plan everything

I will use intuition and navigator at the same time

I'll catch people passing by and ask for directions

I'll walk without purpose. I'll find a new way

When you act as a teacher, you...

Quickly become friends with "students"

Get pleasure. I like to help others

Allow "students" to do on their own

Thoroughly get ready for the class

Confidently persuade others in your opinion

Follow the plan and implement it in spite of anything

Quickly change the course of the class depending on the situation

Try to smooth differences between the students

Do you like experiments?

How do you feel about teamwork?

What phrase do you say oftener?

I trust you completely

I have an idea!

I'll study this issue

All the things required are already done

Listen to me, I know how to make it right

I'll find a way to meet the goal

Failure is not a big deal. We learn from mistakes

We should work together

Do you like the leader's role?

If you need to learn something, the best way to remember new information is…

Do it on your own

Think about an association

Look for information about it in a few sources

Study everything inside and out

To have a theory and use it in practice

Can you work under conditions of tight deadlines, pressure, etc.?

No, comfortable atmosphere is important for me

Yes, if it's worth it

Yes, if the goal is important for me

Yes, that's not a big deal

Yes, I easily adapt. But if I break a deadline, it's not a huge deal

I'll try to figure something out to manage it

When you hear a song you like, you...

I immerse into it 100% and do not notice anything

Imagine scenes it could fit

I try to understand why it caught my interest

I look for other songs of this artist

Think that this is the best song in the world

This is cool but I'll probably forget it the next day and find something new

Experiencing style

Using the Experiencing style, you get involved in what is happening, establish contacts, use intuition. You're a great team player, build trust-based relations with others. You don't feel uncomfortable when expressing emotions, ably manage them even in stressful situations. Skills: - Building trust-based relations; - Involvement and enthusiasm; - Establishing contacts on the personal level; - Free expression of emotions. Share this quiz with friends. Everyone needs to know his/her learning style!

Imagining style

Using the imagining style, you take care, trust, empathy, demonstrate a creative approach. You feel comfortable in the situations of uncertainty, you like to suggest new ideas, create the image of the future. Skills: - Looking for new ideas; - Showing empathy; - Attention for other people's opinion; - Vision of new opportunities; Share this quiz with friends. Everyone needs to know his/her learning style!

Reflective style

Using the Reflective style, you show patience, caution, and reserve, allow others to play a key role. You listen to without unnecessary prejudice and gather information from different sources. You're able to look at the task from different angles and detect fundamental problems and issues. Skills: - Open-minded listening: - Gathering information from different sources; - Detecting fundamental problems and issues; - The analysis of the problem from different angles. Share this quiz with friends. Everyone needs to know his/her learning style!

Analyzing style

Using the Analyzing style, you demonstrate a structured, methodic, accurate approach. You think things over in advance to keep mistakes to a minimum; gather or generalize information to have the fullest picture; critically analyze and sort the situation out. You methodically analyze data. Skills: - Preliminary planning to avoid mistakes; - Organization of information and shaping the full picture; - The analysis of data; - The use of theories and models to explain what is happening. Share this quiz with friends. Everyone needs to know his/her learning style!

Thinking style

Woking in the thinking style, you demonstrate a realistic view of things, responsibility, and straightforwardness. You define goals and find practical approaches to solve the problems. You're able to focus on a specific task. Skills: - Finding practical solutions; - Full attention to the main goal; - Confidence in your opinion, even on disputable issues. Share this quiz with friends. Everyone needs to know his/her learning style!

Acting style

Using the acting style, you manage to do all the things; you're decisive, bold, result-oriented. You focus on the goals and find ways to accomplish the set task even under conditions of lack of time. You're able to bring the plan to life at limited resources. Skills: - Staying within deadlines; - Finding a way to bring the plan to life; - You're goal-oriented and make things happen; - You implement the plans under conditions of lack of resources. Share this quiz with friends. Everyone needs to know his/her learning style!

Initiating style

Using the Initiating style, you behave openly and naturally, are able to go through a failure quickly and keep going ahead. You look for fresh opportunities and get involved in a new work without a backward glance. Skills: - Flexible adaptation to changing conditions; - Influence and motivation toward others; - The ability to find new opportunities; - The ability to keep working after failures. Share this quiz with friends. Everyone needs to know his/her learning style!

Balancing style

Using the Balancing style, you notice blind spots in the situation, ably smooth differences and contradictions between people. You expertly find necessary resources and adapt to the shift of emphasis. Skills: - Looking for blind spots in the situation: - Smoothing differences between people; - Adaptation to changing priorities; - Inventive power. Share this quiz with friends. Everyone needs to know his/her learning style!

Before using a newly bought microwave, you…
1 / 10
If you get lost in a new city, what will you do?
2 / 10
When you act as a teacher, you...
3 / 10
Do you like experiments?
4 / 10
How do you feel about teamwork?
5 / 10
What phrase do you say oftener?
6 / 10
Do you like the leader's role?
7 / 10
If you need to learn something, the best way to remember new information is…
8 / 10
Can you work under conditions of tight deadlines, pressure, etc.?
9 / 10
When you hear a song you like, you...
10 / 10

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