Social Styles Personality Test

Social Styles Personality Test
Personality types consist of mindsets, values, and principles which inform our behavior. They are different in all people, but it's possible to distinguish certain types, which are typical of groups of people. To understand which personality style fits you, you need to be good at sociology, read a couple of books, and look into the history and cultural studies. We did it for you, take our quiz and find out!

What word of phrase does describe you better?

Try something new




You need to relax and clear your head. What way is better?

Reading a book in peace

Visiting an exhibition

Doing something useful. To clean up the house, for example

To make a holiday-day

How do you prefer to organize your plans?

I don't plan anything on purpose, I just do what I want

I cannot live without my smartphone! Everything's there

I'm a very routine person- the day planner, reminders in the phone, Post-its, etc.

I put everything down in my day planner

The best party of your life is…

One I don't remember

One I organized

I'm about to have it

Does a nephew's birthday party count?

The job of your dreams is...

Calm, hasteless job at the office

No to work. Just enjoy your life

A high office in a big company

To develop a promising startup

What animal is closer to you?





To stay home on Friday night, to be alone. How do you feel about this scenario?

Life is created for pleasure, not for suffering

Is it easy to make you do something boring, but important? For example, to write a report

Even if I don't want to, I'll compose myself and just do it

Yes, if you have to, you do it. Those are the rules

No. And I won't do it

No, I'll try to avoid it

Imagine that you're about to buy a car. What's more important - its look and characteristics or price?

I'll get the one I like the most. Even if I cannot afford it

Price, of course

I'm for beneficial balance

I'll look for until I find the perfect option at a modest price


As all traditionalists, you're focused, above all things, on the values of duty, order, and discipline. All these are not empty phrases for you. You really take prevailing laws and rules in the society seriously, sceptically perceive changes, even if you see that they're for good. It's hard for you to adapt to new circumstances, but, on the plus side, there's no more responsible and regular person than you. Just these things people around you appreciate. Tell the friends about this quiz. They probably also want to find out their social type!


As all idealists, you, above all things, sceptically treat traditional norms - duty, order, and discipline. All these don't matter much for you. You really take your independence seriously, sceptically treat existing rules and norms, even if they're imposed by authorities. Your goal is self-development, which nobody and nothing can stop. Just these things people around you appreciate. Tell the friends about this quiz. They probably also want to find out their social type!


As all realists, you aptly combine the strive for self-fulfillment and focus on traditional values - duty, order, and discipline. All these are not empty phrases for you. You really take your independence seriously, sceptically treat existing rules and norms but, at the same time, you don't want to break the rules. Self-sufficiency and organized nature are some of your main strengths. Just these things people around you appreciate. Tell the friends about this quiz. They probably also want to find out their social type!


As all hedonists, you focus, above all things, on enjoying your life. To live the moment, "then and there" are not the empty phrases for you. Existing norms and rules don't bother you until they become a barrier to satisfying your needs. You put personal interests and desires first. Tell the friends about this quiz. They probably also want to find out their social type!

What word of phrase does describe you better?
1 / 10
You need to relax and clear your head. What way is better?
2 / 10
How do you prefer to organize your plans?
3 / 10
The best party of your life is…
4 / 10
The job of your dreams is...
5 / 10
What animal is closer to you?
6 / 10
To stay home on Friday night, to be alone. How do you feel about this scenario?
7 / 10
Life is created for pleasure, not for suffering
8 / 10
Is it easy to make you do something boring, but important? For example, to write a report
9 / 10
Imagine that you're about to buy a car. What's more important - its look and characteristics or price?
10 / 10

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