Which Style of Wedding Am I?

Which Style of Wedding Am I?
A wedding is a memorable celebration, which always brings up a lot of emotions. When thinking about the wedding ceremony, there are thousands of options! Take this quiz and find out what style of wedding you should take a closer look at!

Let's discuss some details of your wedding. How many guests do you want to invite?

A lot! I want to invite all the people I know

Our families and friends - about 30-50

Only closest ones

No one, only me and my other half

Good, and what dress is perfect for a bride?

A luxurious one with many decorations

A snow white one with a veil

A light one with lace

The main thing is comfort, maybe, even a trouser suit

What color should the bridesmaids' dresses be?

Bright and intense colors: wine red, dark blue

Beige or blue

Delicate colors of pink or violet

Let's do it without bridesmaids

What music will play at the celebration?

Happy and dancing. Maybe, we'll invite a cover band

We'll make a playlist together and invite a host or a DJ

Live violin

We’ll have dancing with different kinds of music... at full volume – and till the morning!

What will you pay special attention to when planning the wedding?

Selecting a photographer

The host and the program

Atmosphere and decorations


Where would you like to spend the honeymoon?

On a tour across Europe

At a resort

In a small house on a deserted island

On a hike in the Alps

Now several general questions! How do you like to pass the time alone?

Watching movies

Doing chores around the house, cooking

Reading books

I'd better go to a gym

What is a perfect date for you?

To go to a museum or an exhibition

A night at the movies or at a restaurant

To take a walk across the town at night

To find a fun adventure

What movie will you probably watch together?

A fantasy

A comedy

A drama

A horror or an action movie

And the last question: do you think about children? :)

Yes, I want a princess daughter

I want 2-3 kids

It's better to get a cat

Don't think about it

A wedding in a castle

Тебе подойдет свадьба в загадочном замке! Таинственная атмосфера заставляет каждого поверить в сказку, ощутить себя частью королевской семьи и, главное, точно останется в памяти навсегда. Замок можно подобрать на любой вкус: уютный в живописном месте, готический в небольшом европейском городке, современный замок с виноградниками... Выбор невероятно огромен! Также, в замке поместится большое число гостей и никто из твоих знакомых не обидится, не получив приглашение. А какие фотографии будут! Точно есть, что вспомнить. Поделись тестом с друзьями и узнай, куда ты отправишься на их свадьбу :)

Традиционная свадьба

Parents' blessing, the ceremony of ransom for the bride dressed in a beautiful snow-white dress, a wedding cortege and to the music of Mendelssohn's Wedding March - down the aisle, after that you could take a walk in a park with a photo session and then go to the official buffet at a restaurant. Traditional wedding firs you best! This day will be associated with light and pureness, but merriment won't come by the ceremony too. Don't forget about the bride's beautiful bouquet and superstition: a girl who catches it will be the next to get married! Share the quiz with friends and find out where you'll go to their wedding :)

A romantic wedding in private

Celebrating for several days will scarcely be to your liking, you want a pure moment of love and tenderness. A small wedding away from urban noise ideally fits you! It's better to arrange this ceremony on small islands, in a small village near a river or a forest, on a solitary beach at sunset. There are many options, the main thing is to listen to your heart and act as it suggests. Share the quiz with friends and find out where you'll go to their wedding :)

An extreme wedding

An unusual wedding filled with adventures and a bit of adrenalin fits you best! You can organize this wedding on a plane or a balloon; you can say your vows doing a parachute jump; you can climb a volcano or get down under water or caves - there are a lot of options, choose one that lets you follow your heart Share the quiz with friends and find out where you'll go to their wedding :)

Let's discuss some details of your wedding. How many guests do you want to invite?
1 / 10
Good, and what dress is perfect for a bride?
2 / 10
What color should the bridesmaids' dresses be?
3 / 10
What music will play at the celebration?
4 / 10
What will you pay special attention to when planning the wedding?
5 / 10
Where would you like to spend the honeymoon?
6 / 10
Now several general questions! How do you like to pass the time alone?
7 / 10
What is a perfect date for you?
8 / 10
What movie will you probably watch together?
9 / 10
And the last question: do you think about children? :)
10 / 10

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