How Much Do You Know About Mental Health?

How Much Do You Know About Mental Health?
Psychic health is an extremely complex area of study by doctors and even more intricate for those who lack special knowledge. A lot of myths and fears surround psychologists, psychotherapists, depression, and other disorders. It's almost impossible to figure them out. This quiz will test your knowledge and teach you new facts!

Children cannot suffer from psychic disorders.

Fact: every fifth child suffered an episode of psychic disorder at least once. They often don't get the necessary help because no one pays attention to them. Children, like adults, suffer from anxiety, depression, and many other diseases.



Depression is doubled sadness

Although the constant feeling of sadness is often a sign of depression, these notions are not synonyms. Sadness is passing and temporal. Sorrow is a more serious feeling involving life experience and powerful recollections, but it comes and passes too - this is not a constant. While depression is a chronic state.



Problems related to psychic health can result in problems with physical health in the future.

Emotional symptoms are often perceived as the main characteristic related to psychic disorders. But this is not so. Many people suffering from such diagnoses complain about the problems of exact physical nature.



The risk of inheriting depression can be very high.

Yes, there's genetic proneness to depression. However, the risk in relation to healthy people increases only by 10-15%.



Dementia and Alzheimer's disease are one and the same. They mean the loss of memory.

As a matter of fact, dementia is a syndrome (i.e. the combination of symptoms), which can have many causes, and Alzheimer's disease is one of them.



Alzheimer's disease is genetically instilled, destiny can't be changed. You can only postpone the onset of the disease or ease the symptoms.

Unfortunately, there's no guarantee that training of the brain and the changes of lifestyle will prevent all types of dementia - but this is not an excuse to ignore them. There are ways, which decrease the disease risk or postpone its onset - they can be boring, trivial and time-consuming but they work. The point is not to let the brain be inactive: it's necessary to train short-time memory, attention, speech, logic, reaction time, hand and eye coordination.



Anorexia is a strong desire to lose weight.

Indeed, anorexia looks this way to onlookers - a person wants to lose weight badly and get his or her body into an ideal state while not being able to stop on when it's necessary. The majority of people think that this is the whole problem. Actually, anorexia is a severe eating behavior disorder. This is a version of eating dependence, which differs little from drug addiction and alcoholism.



People with mental disorders can keep working.

Sometimes the disease can spoil almost all areas of life but not affect work. Many things depend on the diagnosis and the severeness of the disease. A person who takes medicines and restrains the disease can easily match his or her healthy colleagues. That's why it's wrong to equate all patients to the disabled.



Problems with mental health can affect even very strong and willed people.

Psychiatric diagnoses are made regardless of character strength. Mental health can fail because of a problem in the organism or traumatic experience.



Mental disorders are not curable

Patients with psychic disorders control the disease and recover at least partially. For example, when a person reaches out to a doctor, the degree of his depression can be defined as 100%. After taking medicines and regular psychotherapeutic consultations, this level drops to 60%. The patient feels better, he or she starts following the regime and going in for sports, the level of depression comes to 40%.



Practicing psychotherapist

You've been around the block once or twice. You take an interest in this subject, and you look for answers to the most difficult questions in books and scientific papers. It's you who your friends seek advice from in case of unwellness or some suspicions. You help everybody and give sound advice. Let's check how well they learned your lessons!

In-home psychotherapist

You take an interest in the issues of mental health amateurishly. Probably, you don't know all the details, but you do have the general and basic knowledge. This subject is close to you but you haven't managed to find answers to the most difficult questions. Instead, you're good at giving help to your friends who seek your advice. Tell the friends about your result. Let's check how well they learned your lessons!

Beginner psychotherapist or psychologist

You aren't good at the issues of mental health yet. You cannot distinguish a psychologist, a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist. Their work seems to you silly and futile. Probably, you're interested in this subject but you still have to find answers to the most difficult questions. Tell the friends about your result. Let's check what they know about mental health.

Which country was the main supplier of opium to China during the 19th century?
1 / 12
What was the name of the Chinese official who led the campaign against opium during the First Opium War?
2 / 12
What was the outcome of the Treaty of Nanking, which ended the First Opium War?
3 / 12
What was the main cause of the Second Opium War?
4 / 12
What was the name of the British general who led the expedition to Beijing during the Second Opium War?
5 / 12
What was the outcome of the Treaty of Tientsin, which ended the Second Opium War?
6 / 12
What was the name of the Chinese emperor who ruled during the Opium Wars?
7 / 12
What was the name of the British company that controlled the opium trade in India during the 19th century?
8 / 12
What was the name of the Chinese secret society that rose up against foreign influence during the Boxer Rebellion?
9 / 12
What was the outcome of the Boxer Rebellion?
10 / 12
What was the name of the British politician who advocated for the legalization of opium trade during the 19th century?
11 / 12
What was the name of the Chinese general who led the defense of Shanghai during the First Opium War?
12 / 12

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